6 months of being a Software Engineer

Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2024


I started my journey at Microsoft last year in July.

Photo by Matthew Manuel on Unsplash

Being fresh out of college, with not much knowledge of corporate culture and technical skills, I had my doubts. And honestly? My doubts were not baseless. I mean I have never worked on such large codebase, with people who have so much experience. I was overwhelmed to say the least.

But, it has been 6 months. The anxious me is now calming down into an optimistic me.

I have learnt about the codebase and workflow, caught up with the flow of things, tried to grab as much as I could from people around me. Am I totally confident of my skills now? NO. But have I come far from where I started? Yes.

The culture at Microsoft encourages people to have a growth mindset where everyone can thrive. And I am blessed to be working with a team where my problems are not belittled, every concern of mine is heard and acknowledged.

Sometimes it is fast paced. But the rush that you feel when you have deadlines to meet and the calm you feel when you are done with it is different.

Sometimes I feel dumb. Scratch that. Most of the times I feel dumb.

There are so many smart and experienced people with excellent skills. So it is natural to feel dumb. And it kinda feels good in feeling dumb this way, because I know I am learning.




Software Engineer at Microsoft | I Write About iOS dev, Programming languages, Artificial Intelligence and more | Coffee keeps me alive