6 Questions I Still Have For the Youtuber who “rehomed” her son

#6 Why take two COVID-19 relief loans?

Ines May


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One year ago, the youtuber Myka Stauffer and her husband (James Stauffer) posted a video on one of their channels letting the world know they decided to disrupt the adoption of their four-year-old son.

The reaction was immediate and, unlike anything the Stauffers had imagined, backlashed on them. Their video was viewed by millions and it made news all over the world. The response from their fans was a mix of confusion and anger. For everyone else, the Stauffers will forever be the YouTubers who “re-homed” their child.

Myka and James had three youtube channels. James had (and still has) a channel dedicated to car cleaning (The Stauffer Garage). Myka had a personal channel and together they had a family vlog channel. In 2017, Myka and James had three biological children and adopted a child from China. After the adoption, their followers skyrocket. They would have one more child after the adoption, shortly before deciding to disrupt their adoption with their adopted son, H.

Here are a few questions I still have for the Stauffers:

1. Why adopt?

Before making a video where they shared they were going to adopt a child, Myka and James had made…



Ines May

Veterinarian, diagnosed with autism at 27, writing to figure life. E-mail me at ineslmedium@gmail.com Become a member: https://inesl.medium.com/membership