6 Reasons Why You Won’t Rank on Google

SEO is like a resume, you polish it so you have your best foot forward. — Matt Cutts

Arsalan Haroon
5 min readSep 15, 2021


Everybody knows that Ranking on Google can increase traffic on their website. But most people still can’t rank on Google.

There are many reasons why Google won’t rank websites on top pages. 90.63% of Content Gets No Traffic From Google.

Most websites don’t get any traffic from Google. Although websites know what SEO is. But people make some mistakes in their SEO strategy that stop them from ranking on Google.

Most websites do SEO then why do 90 percent don’t get any traffic from Google? Because they don’t do the crucial step in SEO which increases their chances of ranking on Google.

Most websites only focus on small Google factors and forget about the main Google ranking factors that can increase their ranking on Google.

You have to focus on the main Google ranking factors and also do small google ranking factors. But why do most people only focus on small Google ranking factors?

These small ranking factors are easy to do and, the main Google ranking factors require hard work and time that most people are not willing to put in.

So let’s learn why you won’t rank on Google and how to fix it to get rank on Google.


1. Keywords are Missing

Most websites think that Google is smart enough to take keywords from websites and, they don’t have to research for keywords manually.

Well, Google is smarter today. But they can’t recognize and rank your content unless you give them the right keyword that helps them understand what your content is about and what keyword you are targeting to get rank on Google.

You have to do keyword research because it is still the first step of SEO which increases your chance to rank on a keyword.

2. You don’t put keywords where they need to be

Most websites research target keywords and find the right one for their website. But they still dont rank on Google.

Why? Because people don’t put keywords where they need to be, you don’t just need to research the target keyword.

But you need to know where to put that target keyword. So it can increase the chances to rank on that keyword.

Some of the places where you put your target keyword are.

  • Title and meta description
  • Alt image text
  • Earlier and in the last section of content

3. Bad backlinks

It might be possible that you won’t rank on Google because you have some bad backlinks. What are bad backlinks?

These are backlinks that affect your website negatively. For example, If you have a website about fitness and you get a link from a website that is about technology.

If the website links to you somewhere where your link doesn’t match with the content. Then it is a bad backlink.

Google wants backlinks that are relevant to the website. If you get links from fitness websites. Then it is valuable backlinks that provide value to your website and increase your ranking on Google.

You need to avoid getting backlinks from a website that doesn’t link your content with the relevant audience.

4. Your website is Not Mobile Friendly

Today, If you don’t have a mobile-friendly website. Then you surely don’t rank on Google. This is the biggest Google ranking factor.

Mobile accounts for approximately half of the web traffic worldwide. In the first quarter of 2021, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 54.8 percent of global website traffic.

That’s why Google prefers a website that is mobile friendly and, you also need to understand that a mobile-friendly website can increase your chances to rank on Google.

5. No backlinks

55.24% of pages don’t have a single backlink. But most people know that backlinks are one of the most important Google ranking factors that can increase your ranking. Then why do most websites don’t have any links?

Building backlinks requires more work than just putting keywords. You have to pitch other websites and write content for other websites.

Most people aren’t willing to do this thing. So they think if they do the easy part of SEO. They still get the ranking on Google. But it is not possible to rank your website without backlinks.

Generally speaking, the more backlinks a page has, the more organic traffic it gets from Google. (Ahrefs)

Backlinks can increase your ranking on Google. But make sure you get backlinks from websites that are related to your industry.

Try to get backlinks from websites that are popular in your industry. It can provide more value to your website.

Learn More About Backlinks

6. The website is too slow

The probability of bounce increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds.

Let’s say you have a website that provides unique and helpful content to the audience. but what if your website takes 20 seconds to load?

People will not come no matter how valuable content you have. The audience likes a website that loads fast because they want information fast and as soon as possible.

But why do people don’t wait for 20 seconds to load a website?

Most people know that they can find what they are looking for on other websites as well and, other websites will give them faster speed which saves their time.

Google takes page speed seriously and, that is why it is a Google ranking factor. If you want to check how fast your website loads, then Go to google page speed insights.

It can give you results about if your website is loading fast or not it can also give you some of the solutions to speed up your websites which you can practice with the help of your programmer because sometimes it requires technical skills.

The most common reason websites load slowly is that they have a big file size image.

So make sure before putting any image on your website you compress their file size without compromising on the image.

You can use TinyPNG to compress the size of your image without compromising quality.

If you are on WordPress, You can use smush to optimize and compress your image size.


Most websites just do the easy part of SEO and think they can get thousands of traffic on their websites.

It is not true because today, you have to do the hard part of SEO to get ranked on Google. Most people get upset and feel sad when they dont get any results in a month.

You have to understand that sometimes it will take more time to get a rank on Google.

You have to be patient and work on SEO without seeing any results in the short term. Keep up with new SEO updates, so you know what works today and what won’t work in SEO.

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