6 Things I Hate To Hear From Straight People

Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2021


Photo by Gabriel Morse

Have you ever been in an awkward situation where someone makes a very stupid comment about who you are or about what you do? Or a situation that somebody makes a super rude question? Well, that happens all the time to gay guys.

There are so many questions and comments that straight people usually make that make me feel extremely uncomfortable. I decided to choose the 5 that drives me crazy the most. If you are that type of person who chooses to say these dumb shit, don’t forget to avoid them next time you talk to a gay person.

6- You’re not a man

OMG. How many times have I heard this? Probably a million times. The last time I heard someone say that was last week. One of my former co-workers read the article which I talk about when I came out of the closet. When we worked together, I wasn’t out yet. So, he reached out to me after he read my coming out story, and said he was disappointed because he thought a was a man. Not gay. According to him, a gay man isn’t a man. What are we then? A dog? A lion? Yes, dumb bitch. If a guy is gay, he is still a man. Being gay just means that I’m attracted to other men.

5- Do you always fuck or are you the one who gets fucked?




I am a slum boy from Brazil who visited 30+ countries. My moving stories will inspire you to achieve your travel dreams no matter where you come from