6 Things I Learned From the Friends TV Show

I learned one core trait from each leading character

Ehsan Nazim


Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

I watched, re-watched and binge-watched all the episodes of the Friends TV show — sometimes in order, sometimes randomly — over and over again.

It’s one of those evergreen TV shows that you can watch and re-watch time and again without boring yourself.

No matter how many times you’ve watched each episode, when the next time you watch it, you laugh as hard as you did for the first time.

I didn’t get all the jokes the first time I watched Friends. Most of the jokes went over my head back then. With every re-watch, I uncovered yet another joke and laughed even more.

Watching Friends was my only source of laughter when I was going through the toughest time of my life. It made me laugh when nothing else worked.

The six leading characters, or should I say “friends”, taught me different traits for a happy life — Ross taught me what it’s like to be a nerd, Monica taught me how to be organized and responsible, Rachel taught me to enjoy life as it happens, Phoebe taught me to not take life seriously, Joey taught me it’s okay to be a little dumb and Chandler taught me how to deal any situation with sarcasm.



Ehsan Nazim

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