6 Things You Have to Give Up to Freelance Successfully

Freelancing is not all sunshine and roses. In fact, you lose certain things by stepping into the freelancing world. So, is it really for you?

Aabha Gopan


Photo by Keenan Beasley on Unsplash

Freelancing is a trend today, with everyone glorifying freelancers’ independent, posh lives and the money they make.

On the outside, freelancing is a dream come true. Freelancers seem to work only when they want, only with clients they choose, and still earn well.

As a freelancer in contact with many other freelancers, I can attest that that is true only for some.

I want to bring to your attention that not everyone who set out to become a freelancer succeeded. And those who made a name in the field worked hard to get where they’re now — but no one talks about that.

Here, I will discuss the dark side of freelancing, where you’ll have to sweat blood, give up hobbies, and put in extra effort.

1. Indefinite Work Hours

Back in the day, when I was someone’s employee, I always complained about the strict, tiring 9–5 work hours to my husband. He would empathize with me, and we would head out for the evening.



Aabha Gopan

Loving human minds while changing my toddler's diaper.