6 Things You Should Never Do to Yourself

Don’t waste time, look forward

3 min readJun 27, 2024


Photo by Lars Kuczynski on Unsplash

Don’t make decisions on impulse

Everyone has emotional moments. When you feel wronged or angry, try to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down.

Whether it is a momentary angry word or a casual decision, it is easy to bring greater trouble or even irreparable losses.

When encountering something unpleasant, it is better to deal with your mood first and cool down your emotions; after calming down and regaining your rationality, deal with things.

Don’t care too much about other people’s opinions

In life, some people feel that they are very tired, and a large part of the reason is that they care too much about other people’s comments.

A casual look or a careless word from others will make them ponder for a long time and feel depressed.

We should humbly accept other people’s friendly suggestions, but we should not disrupt our pace because of excessive attention to other people’s comments.

Caring too much about other people’s views and comments will only make you constantly consume yourself in sensitive emotions.

Don’t compete with yourself blindly

You may have had this experience: you actually understand a lot of truths, but when things happen to you, you always get stuck in a dead end unconsciously.

In fact, life is a mixture of joy and sorrow, and everything has its two sides. The so-called good and bad often depends on how you look at it.

Learn to face troubles with an optimistic attitude and don’t blindly compete with yourself, then you will usher in a bright future and suddenly see the light.

Don’t complain endlessly

The world is a mirror that reflects our hearts. The world is what our hearts are like.

If you choose to complain, your heart will be full of frustration and pain; if you choose to be grateful, the world will be full of sunshine and love.

Endlessly complaining is like pouring water into your own shoes. Over time, it will only make you more and more uncomfortable.

When you stop complaining and face things with a more positive attitude, life will be full of surprises.

Don’t let self-deprecation trap your life

Some people often fall into self-doubt. They doubt that they are not good enough, so they don’t have the courage to stand on the stage to show themselves; they doubt that they are not worthy of love, so they dare not accept the love of others; they doubt that they are not good enough for a good life, so they don’t have the courage to boldly try and pursue.

When you don’t believe in yourself, it is difficult for others to believe in you. A good way to eliminate inferiority is to start with small things, start with the things at hand, and slowly accumulate experience.

After achieving small goals as scheduled, your confidence in yourself will also be established.

Don’t dwell on the past

In life, it is not terrible to have regrets. What is terrible is not knowing how to look at things in a positive light, but habitually focusing on the past disappointments and being bothered by them.

No matter what happened in the past, it is already in the past. Time cannot flow back, and dwelling on the past is just making things difficult for yourself.

Those who can live well in the present must have the ability to let go of the past. Only by letting go of the past can we free our hands to welcome the wonderful years to come.

