Six personalities that will help you build your business.

6 Types of Working Genius

Is Patrick Lencioni correct with the six working genius model?

Luay Rahil
Published in
5 min readNov 9, 2020

Photo by The Table Group

One business owner told his best employee, "You are excellent at organizing people, so I want you to learn marketing." Then, a few months later, his best team leader failed at marketing, and his team fell apart.

This team leader is the only person who can inspire and galvanize the team in this organization. Unfortunately, he was asked to abandon his strength zone and focus on learning a new skill, so he failed. He failed at both because he did not have the energy to learn this new skill or the time needed to lead his team. This latest assignment drained his intellectual and emotional energy, and he quit soon after.

This team leader lost his confidence in his work, and his home life suffered. But, unfortunately, his story is not special or unique to this person or this specific company.

Patrick Lencioni acknowledges that these incidents happen in many organizations every day, "Far too many people in the world suffer needlessly because they don't understand their areas of working genius. As a result, they don't do the kind of work that gives them joy and energy, and they end up in jobs and projects that



Luay Rahil

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.