6 Ways AI Is Helping to Create Top Movies

Everybody comes to Hollywood — AI as well

Elena Beliaeva-Baran
5 min readApr 8, 2021


“The possibilities for artificial intelligence in business are almost endless” — Hopkins, 2020

And we can see the demonstration of that in almost every industry.

Already in 2017, 83% of businesses believed that AI is a focus priority for their business strategy.

Today, the number of industries that are not only testing, but already successfully implementing AI systems is rapidly growing. By automating various repetitive tasks and quickly analysing large amounts of data, AI has provided multiple benefits in many industries.

In the visual entertainment sector, AI is widely used to analyze the user’s interests and activity on the platform to provide personalized recommendations. Visual streaming giants like Youtube or Netflix — and many other streaming services are doing an extraordinary job in guessing what type of genre, style or topic the user is most likely to be interested in.

But personalization is not the only way, AI is assisting within the entertainment industry.

Below I’ve collected 6 ways in which AI can help directors, movie producers and actors and overall, accelerate film production and further promotion.

AI can help with deciding:

Which genre of the movie to make?

Photo by cottonbro via pexels

Here, Predictive AI analyses historical data about movies and their performance over years to find patterns of the movies themes, genres and key talents.

Based on this information, the system proposes suggestions that have the biggest potential to become a hit.

Is the script potentially successful?

Photo by cottonbro via pexels

AI cannot predict the success of the script with 100% accuracy, as it takes more than just a script to make the movie a success.

However, AI can analyse if the script has the potential to get a high ROI, based on previously processed historical data of scripts and their performance.

Which demographics to focus on?

Photo by cottonbro via pexels

By detecting and tracking the sentiment around certain scenes within the movie and how the trailers are received online, AI can identify and also, predict which micro-segment of an audience will most likely be interested in the particular movie.

This information can bring a better understanding of the target audience and ensure the communication is tailored to this specific demographics group.

AI can help with automating some of the most time-consuming tasks, like these 3 below:

AI can be a Pre-production assistant

Photo by Startup Stock Photos via pexels

What used to take hours of organization can now be fully automated by AI in seconds. For instance, it can manage all scheduling tasks by scanning actors’ calendars and proposing several available dates for production or other activities.

Another interesting application here is — the ability to read scripts allows AI to recognize the described scenes and scan the internet for real-world locations that match the narrative. This saves directors and movie producers several days and significant costs, otherwise spent on downtime while looking for shooting locations.

AI can be a Casting Director

Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

When it comes to casting, finding perfect actors can be an intimidating task. Here, AI can assist casting directors by analyzing the regions the actors are currently well-known.

AI can provide actors recommendations based on their previous performance and geographical data — like the exact regions where particular actors have an existing huge fan base to identify the potential areas of promo focus.

The extensive variety of AI abilities in assisting the casting team does not end here. AI can help with movie promotion and marketing campaigns by analysing the audience type, the hype around a certain movie or a trailer and the actors' popularity across the globe.

AI can be a Soundtrack/ Music creator

Photo by Marcela Laskoski on Unsplash

The most recent example of how well AI can identify music patterns and create new data from them— is the new Nirvana song ‘Drowned in the Sun’, which is fully generated by AI.

By analyzing each track of Nirvana and other artists, the program has guessed what their new song would sound like.

There are multiple opportunities and possibilities for AI in the film-making sector. AI can already guess what will be the next songs of the famous musicians and it can suggest the features of the next big thing in the film industry. Knowing that it’s intriguing to think about the AI potential.

What will AI achieve in the next 20 or 30 years and beyond?

The shortest answer to that question: a better world. (TechExperts, 2021)

Photo by Laura Musikanski via pexels

In my writing, I’m covering the most interesting applications of AI and the ways this technology can help us create a better future.

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