6 Ways To Build Better (Writing) Habits

As James Clear states in Atomic Habits: “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

Mira Lucas


Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

I haven’t been writing here for a few months. I took a break because I had some other projects that need my attention (and because it was Summer and, most importantly, because I was a bit lazy).

Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking a break from time to time. Breaks give us a chance to rest and rejuvenate. They help us to refocus and come back to our work with fresh energy.

But I noticed that, as soon as I stopped writing, it became harder and harder to start again. What was supposed to be a two-week break suddenly became a three-month break.

Writing here wasn’t something I automatically did anymore, it was something I had to consciously force myself to do.

This is why habits are so important. In fact, I’d argue that habits are one of the most important things in our lives.

Once we’ve formed the right habits, we don’t have to use as much willpower to perform certain tasks anymore. We just do them.

As a Chinese proverb goes:

“Habits are like cobwebs at first, but they become cables in…



Mira Lucas

Freelance journalist. I like cats, coffee, and equality. Editor at WAVE 4. Join Medium: https://miralucas.medium.com/membership