6 Ways to Improve Critical Thinking

How to start thinking rationally

Ben Stone


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Humans are an intelligent species; there’s no debate against that. But despite our advanced brains, we still have many moments where we act and think in ways that don’t make sense. Ways that are not true to ourselves, and ways that we regret later.

Many days, I find myself becoming angry or anxious over a certain situation. Then, hours later, I look back with regret, thinking: why did I think this way? For example, earlier today, I was so frustrated about waiting in line for food that I spent the whole time whining about it in my mind. Now, looking back, it did me no good. I should have just enjoyed the moment and had conversations with people nearby.

I often ask myself:

How can humans be so smart, yet so dumb at the same time?

Maybe, the better question to ask is: how can we stop being so dumb?

In the book “The Laws of Human Nature”, Robert Greene outlines strategies for how we can stop acting like idiots (or as he puts it, to start thinking rationally).

Here, I will break down Robert Greene’s reasoning into a simple step-by-step method.

Step 1: Believe it is possible



Ben Stone

Psychology Student sharing valuable knowledge, advice, and experience. Driven to make an impact on other people.