6+ Years of Remote Work: Why I Love Working Remotely and You Should Too

Learn the Benefits of Remote Work and How It Can Improve Your Lifestyle and Career.

Samantha Scott


Photo by Unsplash on Unsplash

After more than 7years of working remotely, I frequently contemplate my own journey as a remote worker amidst the growing popularity of this trend. When I first made the switch to remote work, it was a major shift in my life. But as time has passed, I have come to appreciate the many benefits that come with this lifestyle.

Advantages of remote work


For me, one of the biggest advantages of remote work is the flexibility it offers. I have the freedom to plan my own day, which means that my career and personal life can coexist seamlessly.

I can work from anywhere in the world, and as a result, I’ve met like-minded people who share my passions and motivations. I’ve also had the opportunity to learn about many different cultures and religions, which has been a truly enriching experience.

To be a successful remote worker, self-motivation is essential. There is no one checking what time I start work or how long I take for lunch. I work the hours I work because I enjoy what I do, and I have the ability to manage my time effectively.



Samantha Scott

Remote work advocate | Slowmad since 2018 | Actionable tips for remote workers, nomads & those who slow travel 📸 @allthingsremote 📸