7 articles in March, How Much Did I Earn?

Earning money on Medium is though…

Cedric Boogaerts
4 min readApr 11, 2022


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

So why is earning money on medium so tough? It’s because there is so much competition. You need to be a phenomenal writer in order to stand out from the thousands of new writers that join the platform every day. That’s why only 7% of Medium writers earn more than $100 a month.

So let’s jump into the stats:

  • In March, I got 2124 views. Most of them came from “How To Profit From Rising Interest Rates” This story received over 2,8K views in total but didn’t earn me very much because the views and reads were external.
  • In March, I got 1449 reads. Most of them also came from “How To Profit From Rising Interest Rates”
  • I got 68 new fans. This represents a 54% drop from the 130 new fans I gained last month.
  • I gained 106 followers in March. This is down from the 218 I gained in February.
  • I gained 1 email subscriber. This brings the total to 5 email subscribers.
  • I referred no individuals to the platform this month. I have never even had one referred member.

I uploaded articles twice a week, one on Monday and the other on Thursday. I noticed that regardless of the topic, the article uploaded on Monday performed better. I guess that fewer people read articles on the weekend.

That is why I am going to upload my articles on Monday and Wednesday in the future.


I noticed that without publications, I hardly get views. It’s essential for creators to publish to publications.

My best article was Why China Will Go Into a Recession which was published in DataDrivenInvestor.

I mainly worked with 3 publications. The biggest is DataDrivenInvestor which has +60K followers. In total, I have 5 articles curated by this publication. They are mainly focused on articles about finance which contain a lot of facts. That is why this article won’t get accepted into their publication.

The second biggest is ILLUMINATION which has 5.8K followers. They cover a wide variety of topics including finance. I submitted 3 articles to their publication.

The third is InsiderFinance Team. They are only focused on Finance. They have over 1K followers. I uploaded 4 stories to them. Whilst this is the smallest publication, their team is very kind and gives you feedback. With larger publications like DataDrivenInvestor, you don’t get feedback on why your story hasn’t been accepted.

My earnings

Screenshot by Author

If you want to read them:

Screenshot by author

I didn’t get any income from referrals because I don’t promote it very often. But since I am talking about it, I might as well put it here.

Smooth, right?

The articles that earned me the most money had a clear structure. I think this helped stay readers longer on the article, which makes me some extra pennies.

In April, I plan to release around 10 articles. This won’t necessarily increase my earnings because most of my income comes from just a few articles.

Final Thoughts

So why would I want to spend all of these hours writing articles for below minimum wage?

Blogging on Medium or publishing videos on Youtube requires patience. Let’s take the example of Tim Denning. He is Medium’s top writer and has got over 500 million views on the platform. According to him, he has been writing for 5 years on Medium. In his first year, he hardly made any money. But he kept writing and look how successful he is now.

Other writers like Tony Yiu, Burk, and Richard Appiah have consistently been publishing beautiful articles over the years.

Most of the people writing on this platform aren’t here for the quick money.

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