7 Books I Read and 1 I Wrote in 2021

John Cunningham
Published in
7 min readDec 2, 2021


Books to motivate and inspire you.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

This has been a groundbreaking year for me. I launched a coaching business, volunteered at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, met one of my mentors, doubled the number of stories contributed to Medium, and published a book.

While the year was filled with many achievements, it also included a great deal of learning. And to do that, I reached out to books. Some of the books I discovered this year were new and others are timeless classics. Here are some of the books I read this year with a brief description and my impressions.

The Four Agreements — A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements explores the promises we make to society and ourselves. The book is based on ancient Toltec wisdoms (ca. 900–1521 AD) and brings to light the duties and expectations placed on us through our upbringing, society, and understanding of ourselves.

We rarely take the time to evaluate these promises, but should in order to live life as the truest versions of ourselves. The four agreements are 1) Be Impeccable With Your Word, 2) Don’t Take Anything Personally, 3) Don’t Make Assumptions, and 4) Always Do Your Best.

In reflecting on this book, the biggest takeaway I had was that as children we are told to be ourselves…



John Cunningham

World-class trainer, life coach, and author of Win the Day: How to win your battles with stress, anxiety & depression. www.synergypersonaldevelopment.com