7 Brutal Truths On Why Your Medium Articles Get Only 7 Views

Refusing to learn why is probably the biggest truth.

Jano le Roux


You’ve created the perfect piece of content. It’s so good, it could be featured on Forbes or even in the New York Times. Heck, it oughta be trending on Medium by now! So why is it that so many people are missing out on your insights? Why are you only getting 7 views?

Did you know that Medium has over 100 million monthly readers? What should you do with this information? Should you spend all your time writing articles, for 7 people to read them?

A lot of writers get captured by the idea that more traffic = better.

I call bullshit.

Every time I read a story on Medium, I ask myself the same question:

Why did I just click on that article? 99.9% of the time it is because I thought I’d get value out of it.

The other 0.1% I clicked because I wanted to see how many claps it got. (Yeah, we all do it.)

Whether I got value or not is not the point yet.

Perceived value gets views.

Before you can get a reader to appreciate your value, you need to create the perception of value first.



Jano le Roux

An award-winning marketing consultant who helps high-growth brands craft marketing that doesn’t feel like marketing. Open for work—jano@likeflare.com—Join me ⤵️