7 Daily Habits to Level Up Your Creativity

From someone creating every day.

Zacc Rowlands


All photography by the author, Zacc Rowlands.

Is creativity innate? Or is it developed?

I used to believe great artists and thinkers were somehow different than me.

Born lucky, smarter, and more talented.

Something not meant for me. Or was it?

Say what you want about Joe Rogan, but there is one message that comes up repeatedly in his podcast that holds truth.

Every comedian sucks for years until they finally figure it out.

They grind through the open mic nights, the failure, testing out new jokes, and rewriting old ones till they find a laugh.

Comedians, like all artists, develop and hone their craft over time.

Creativity isn’t a gift; it’s a skill.

It’s developed over time through learning, practicing, and consistency.

Building a habit of creativity is how those who’ve found success have managed to do so.

While I’m no Joe Rogan, I’d like to share the 7 Habits I do daily to level up my creative skills, some of which I picked up from him and his guests.

1) Practice an art form.



Zacc Rowlands

Empowering creators with creative systems. Tips, strategies, and systems to help you stay consistent and streamline creativity. Musician. Writer. Creator.