7-Day Plan to Quit Sugar Cold Turkey
To feel healthier, happier, and more energized
You know sugar is bad for you. So, why haven’t you quit yet?
I’ll tell you what took me so long:
I was terrified. The thought of never (EVER) tasting my favorite desserts again paralyzed me. Life is short, I figured, why deny myself the donut?
It’s all fine, as long as I exercise and don’t overdo the sweets. But, I could never have just one donut. Was I over-indulgent? Lazy? I didn’t care enough about my health?
No, no, and nope. Here’s why I couldn’t control myself around sweets:
Sugar is biologically addictive.
Every taste of sugar pumps up your dopamine and sets you up for future cravings. It’s the same mechanism behind other addictions — including drugs and alcohol.
Sugar addiction is rampant. The average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar every day. That’s almost triple the recommended six teaspoons per day. And it costs us our health:
Excessive sugar consumption can lead to heart disease, diabetes, inflammatory disease, and even cancer.
The good news is you can stop — and kick your sugar habit in just one week. Here’s the exact battle plan to achieve it: