7 Day Stilton Cheese, Cheesy Dream Experiment

Andrew Brewerton
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2021


What is the satisfaction level of eating Stilton and crackers accompanied with Port every night?


You’d have to be crackers to turn your nose up at the opportunity to take part in a social experiment involving the consumption of a decent-sized wedge of Stilton cheese in a week.

Crackers, I know, cheesy pun, boom!

The intention is not to drag out the experiment. Like many of us, given a sufficient amount of crackers, a decent Port to add a bit of colour to the table, I would happily scoff the ripe wedge of Stilton cheese in the one sitting. However, it’s not a race or about how much cheese one individual can eat. It is concerned with what happens next, or at least when you get to bed and to sleep. Does eating Stilton, our choice of cheese, give you cheesy dreams?

If you’re not a lover of cheese, or you’ve not been fortunate enough to have ever tried Stilton, allow me to fill in a few gaps. Stilton is an English cheese made from cows milk and historically takes its name from the village of Stilton.

There are two variations: Blue, which has had Penicillium roqueforti added that generates the characteristic smell and taste, and White, which has not. Blue Stilton’s distinctive blue veins are created by piercing the cheese’s crust with stainless…



Andrew Brewerton

Happy and excited to have taken that great leap – a small step actually to write stuff.