7 Easy Ways To Instantly Increase Your Charisma

Melissa Timberlake
Published in
6 min readOct 18, 2021


Photo by Andrew Wise on Unsplash

Magnetic. Charming. Attractive. Compelling. Enchanting. These are just a few words to describe someone who is naturally charismatic. Charisma, quite simply, it’s that “star quality” that draws others to you. It’s the extra oomph that persuades people to trust, follow, and like you instantly. It’s a magical allure that inspires devotion from others.

There are countless fascinating studies on the subject of charisma. Are you born with it? Or is it a trait you can learn? Many researchers agree that it’s both. Regardless, one thing is quite clear. Most charismatic influencers — writers, teachers, YouTubers, Instagramers, bloggers, professionals, and politicians — typically model many of the same specific interpersonal skills that make them stand out. Here are seven simple yet powerful ways to turn heads, make people notice, and skyrocket your charisma to the next level.

It’s All In Your Smile

Photo b name isy Constantin Panagopoulos on Unsplash

Flashing those pearly whites is a great way to be perceived as friendly and approachable! Quite simply, a smile invites others to drop their guard and relax. Plus, people who smile with sincerity are seen as more trustworthy and successful. So…



Melissa Timberlake

A professional Life Coach making every day extraordinary with passion, purpose & positivity. https://www.lifelaunchme.com/melissa IG: Melissatlake