7 Lazy Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block And Boost Your Creativity

Indulge in a self-care day and regain your flow

Viki Fernandez-Hines


Photo by We-Vibe WOW Tech on Unsplash

I know. I know. The topic of ways to overcome writer’s block has been beaten into the ground a thousand times over. So what’s different about this one? All these tactics can be done in a single day, with minimal effort, and basically…in your underwear.

We’ve all been there. You have a great idea in your head for your next piece, you sit down and manage to type up an outline (that’s the easy part), but when it comes to the meat, you can’t figure out where to start.

You type out a few sentences in an attempt to stretch-out your writing muscles, but the flow just won’t hit. This usually happens to me after I’ve had an article do very well. The pressure to follow up my last great act seems to turn my mind into mush.

The internet is saturated with articles on the subject, so you open a new tab for some inspiration on finding inspiration. Some of the most common advice like taking a hike or forcing yourself to keep writing, doesn’t always work if your mind is on overload and the pressure is building.

What’s the best way I’ve found to break through that wall without losing my marbles and falling prey to a full-on bitch rant?



Viki Fernandez-Hines

Free-floating centrist, writer of inspirational stories, middle-aged “woke”-ness, loss, mental health, travel and minimalism. https://bit.ly/3o8eKfv