7 Lessons from Losing All My Crypto

Cait Mack
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2024


Art Rachen

I lost 97% of my crypto account in the Genesis collapse (Gemini Earn).

Some people have been devastated by crypto losses. Some people think crypto losses are hilarious.

“These morons bought into this crap??” As if they’ve never made (still make?) stupid decisions. Never tried something volatile or risky in their life, but feel confident judging others. Interesting. Not a new concept, but still piques my curiosity.

They laugh as if crypto as a whole is going away (it’s not). The future (blockchain, AI, VR) is coming, whether you like it or not.

All this being said, it was kind of wild if you invested your entire savings account into crypto. That was ill-advised, clearly.

Now, I don’t worry too much about other people’s opinions. Everyone is free to be an asshole in my world. Sometimes I even encourage it.

For me, losing the crypto is a tough pill to swallow- not so much for today’s loss, but what tomorrow could’ve been.

Anyway, I’ll follow my own advice: absorb the lessons(s), release the pain.

The lessons:

  • Tough times build resilience (silver lining)
  • Life is super short, get back to enjoying it ASAP
  • Volatile assets are…



Cait Mack

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com