7 Life Lessons I Learned from the Founder of Zappos

The founder of Zappos, Tony Hsieh, is worth nearly a billion dollars.




Zappos is also regularly listed on Fortune 100’s “best companies to work for.” How did Tony Hsieh develop such a successful company?

He started a profitable button-making business in middle school. A profitable pizza joint while studying at Harvard, and sold a business to Microsoft for $265 at age 25.

He must be doing something right. Or, at least, that’s what I thought. I wondered, what drives him? What are his passions? His guiding principles? What makes him succeed over the millions of other wannabe entrepreneurs?

1. Chase the Passion

First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win


Most people never get past the ignore phase.

To succeed you need to work hard consistently. It will be a long time before you see success. So pick something you are passionate about, that way you continue to drive, to push, to bleed, because the people that bleed succeed (see what I did there?!!)

I started a few small businesses. A google calendar ebook, a website that posted the “newest tech,” and another…




One of the key passions is to explain complex things in as simple and accessible language as possible.