7 Mistakes No One Should Make In Their 20S

Avoid these mistakes to live a happier, healthier, & wealthier life.

Ishtiaque Hasan Choudhury
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2022


Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Mistake #1 Blame Game

One of the most common mistakes that we make in our 20s is that we try to blame others for our faults. Instead of taking responsibility for our mistakes, we try to hold someone else responsible.

And you know what, it is a very cheap thing to do.

Only you and you alone can change your situation. Don’t blame it on anything or anyone.

— Leonardo Dicaprio

No matter how tough the problem is, try to embrace it like a real man. Blaming others will surely diminish your inner spirit.

If you don't have the guts to embrace the problems that life continuously throws at you, then I am afraid to say, you are not going to be successful at all.

To attain success, you must learn from your mistakes and gain experience which will surely guide you in your journey forward.

Lesson Summary

Act like a real man and don't try to hide behind someone else's back when things don't go according to your plan. Don’t play the blame game.

Mistake #2 Obsessed With Dating

This is one of the most common mistakes everyone makes in their 20s. This is the only stage of our life when adrenaline rushes through our bodies at maximum speed.

Sexual impulses take over our rational thinking at this stage. So we try to date anyone and everyone whenever we get the opportunity. But it is a grave mistake which could literally destroy our career once and for all. Not only that, we may fall prey to many incurable diseases as well.

I guess I just feel bad that I’m still going on bad dates when I should really be in a bad marriage by now

— Laura Kightlinger

We all must try to find the one true partner who can fulfil our lives with an infinite amount of happiness and peace. Going on multiple dates may give you moments of pleasure and sexual enjoyment. But it just cannot give you the real peace that you all long for in this temporary mundane world.

Lesson Summary

Finding the right partner and settling down with them can be the real spark that you are missing in your life.

Mistake #3 Neglecting Your Health

Partying all night, drinking excessively, skipping sleeping hours, taking unhealthy food items etc. are all very common traits to be found among the young generation, as they consider themselves invincible in their 20s.

All these things harm their both physical and mental health badly.

Neglecting your health for a temporary commitment is like rejecting God’s best gift to you

— Bharath Acharya

The greatest wealth is health

— Virgil

It is a fact that if you can be strong both physically and mentally in your 20s, you can get a special advantage over others in the coming days.

Lesson Summary

Being both physically and mentally sound will help you achieve your goals and fulfil your lifelong dreams as well.

Mistake #4 Money is Happiness

One of the big mistakes that we make in our 20s is that we think only money can make us successful. Money has the power to make you happier but it cannot ensure ultimate success.

Most of us only pursue money rather than chasing our passions. And It makes our life miserable and deplorable.

Anybody who thinks money will make you happy, hasn’t got money

— David Geffen

You, being in your 20s, must do everything that you love and feel passionate about.

Lesson summary

If you can seek a job that matches your passion and pays you good at the same time, then you will experience the ultimate pleasure that life has to offer.

Mistake #5 Lack of Patience

Getting things done as soon as possible and becoming impatient is one of the major mistakes that we do in our 20s.

Doing things in a calm and composed manner can certainly make your task both smooth and enjoyable. Those who work with patience, enjoy the sweet fruit of success all the time.

Patience is not simply the ability to wait-

It’s how we behave while we’re waiting

— Joyce Meyer

You should always be patient while chasing your dreams at any cost. Remember, if you can keep your cool and work tirelessly to achieve your goals, nothing can make you stop you from becoming successful.

Always remember, the fruit of patience is very sweet.

Lesson Summary

No matter what the situation is, we should always deal with our everyday challenges patiently.

Mistake #6 Trusting Everyone

Another common mistake everyone makes in their 20s is putting their trust in everyone easily. Our hearts being soft and tender in our 20s, we place our trust in everyone without even realizing that not everyone is worthy of this precious gift.

Trusting is hard, knowing who to trust is even harder.

— Maria. V. Snyder

Lesson Summary

Always think twice before placing your trust in anyone easily.

Mistake #7 Planning Years Ahead

It is not wise to plan everything in advance thinking that everything will go according to our plan. But it is a very big mistake that we tend to do in our 20s.

Our lives are quite unpredictable. We can never know in advance what life has planned for us. For example, the past two years of the pandemic have shown us how unpredictable our lives actually are.

You can’t plan your life. Life plans for you.

— Unanimous quote

Lesson Summary

You should never plan anything in advance too much. Rather, try to plan your incoming tasks which you are going to perform today or tomorrow.

Final Thoughts

Our 20s is a very precious time of our life which sets the tone for the coming decades. If you can utilize the time in the best possible manner, then there is just no stopping you. Live life fully and try to enjoy every moment possible.

Don’t make any grave mistakes that could destroy your inner spirits. Go out there and enjoy your life. You deserve it.



Ishtiaque Hasan Choudhury

I am a university graduate having a knack for writing. I love to express my inner feelings through words.