7 More Income Streams from One Article

Which ones will you create?

Jeff the Content Profit Coach


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Recently I created an article training about 21 income streams from just one article. You can get that one here.

Now here’s 7 more income streams from just one article. And just to make it as clear as possible, I’m going to base them all on a 3 Pillar article of mine called Create-Promote-Revenue:

  1. Live Online BootCamp: Our customers love a deep dive into a topic. Your 3 pillars could be delivered in 1 day, 2 days, or 3 days. I’ve done all of them. So can you.
  2. MasterClass: This is one of my favorites. Take your 3 pillars and deliver them in an hour. 20 minutes for each pillar. People love these short workshops. These set you up well to offer the next success step as an upsell and then offer this as a low cost evergreen product.
  3. Signature Course: A signature course is a course that defines what you do and what you are know for. Deeper than a regular course in content and access to you. At least one module for each pillar. Add a “Get Started Here” module on the front end and a “Next Success Steps” module on the back end.
  4. 52 Tip AutoResponder: Here you create an autoresponder series that delivers one tip a week for a year. Gulp! 52 Tips? Yes, well. Break it down into 17 tips for each pillar. Want to see how to…



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

Create online content & covert it into profitable digital products with my exclusive Content Profit System => https://JeffHerring.com No Experience Necessary