7 motivating hacks make me save more money.

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4 min readAug 4, 2024
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

It’s very important to be mindful of personal finances especially if it’s about saving. Even though you stick to your savings account every month, year, or week, along the way it’s very tempting to lose the motivation.

I will share with you 7 tips and tricks that helped me to stay on track when it comes to saving money without losing any motivation whether for business, a vacation, or even for a handbag.

Tip#1 Being Specific: I realized through this journey, that it is very easy to lose motivation if I am not saving the money for any specific goal or if I don’t have any specific amount.

It’s very crucial to be very specific about what amount you want to save when you need that amount, and for what you need that amount.

Tip#2 Knowing My Why: Having a why in terms of saving is so vital. This is what always compelling for me to keep going to know what is the greater purpose I want to achieve through saving.

Find out why you want to save that money, be clear, and leverage that “why” as part of your motivation to save money.

Tip#3 Setting an intention and getting accountable: When I take intentions that literally means I am taking specific steps to reach my goal.

As I mentioned earlier, getting clear about my why, getting clear about the specific amount to be, getting clear on the timeline, but also taking action on my budget, whether I need to work hard to reach that saving goal.

Thus, I practice setting all my goals for that specific saving and putting them out there. For instance, telling others about it. It can be in social media, someone in my family, or someone I feel comfortable sharing my goal with and letting them keep me accountable so that I can stay focused.

Using someone from your peer group or friends about your goal is crucial in this distracted world where you continuously need to renew your intentions.

Tip#4 Celebrating my Win: It is so important for me to acknowledge my progress in meeting my financial goal, and knowing when to celebrate.

Trust me it’s the same if you want to save $50 end of the week or $1000. Whenever I made that milestone I went for my favorite coffee or having my nails done or whatever made sense for me at that time.

Celebrate with someone or alone with rewards that make sense to you. Because you have to believe that you really have done something bigger by saving that money for your why.

Tip#5 Keeping my savings funds separate: The reason why I need to keep my savings in separate savings accounts is to see the progress I am making and it’s a key that keeps me motivated so much.

A big mistake for someone who really wants to save money for a bigger purpose is to keep a single savings account.

By doing this someone can suddenly get demotivated by watching the progress slowing down because of the daily emergency transfer of the money.

Keep your different savings in different savings accounts so that you can track your progress well and keep yourself highly motivated.

Tip#6 Creating visual boards: This particular tip is so crucial for me. I am a very visual person and I keep a visual board in front of my office desk where I post motivating quotes cutting from magazines or sometimes a printed copy. I also put my yearly, monthly, or weekly saving goals out there. It helps me to track where I am standing in terms of my achievements.

If you are a visual person, keep a vision board that you can see often and be motivated.

Tip#7 Not over-restricting myself: Whenever I become overwhelmed with saving and stop spending on a splurge or sometimes things I necessarily need then I lose my focus and sometimes I feel I will derail my entire long-term plan.

So I avoid over-restricting myself and I stick myself with a spending habit within a reasonable range and get refreshed and joyful.

Excessive ness is not desirable if you want to progress steadily especially if it is something as saving.

To conclude, Eating healthy, Doing exercise, and maintaining a good saving habit all are to be practiced gracefully. It needs time to build something and be consistent with it. For this, motivation is also something that you have to create for yourself, and have to be consistent with the motivation hacks too.

Hope these tips are helpful to you. I am also looking forward to knowing your saving progress. Please share in the comment box.




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