7 Navy SEAL Characteristics That Are Worth Emulating

“You’ve only got three choices in life: Give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got”

Andy Murphy


Photo by Robin GAILLOT-DREVON on Unsplash

The Navy SEALs lead by example, that’s what is so alluring about them. They don’t wait for others to show them the way or ask for permission either. They simply go about their business with conviction and purpose.

And in so doing, they invite others to live with conviction and purpose too. Among many things, I feel that this is one of their greatest gifts.

They also show us that being uncomfortable is okay, that failing is a part of the process, continued learning is the key to success, working towards a common goal makes for a formidable force, and the only limitations we face are the ones we place on ourselves.

Below are seven more characteristics that define the Navy SEALs and are very much worth emulating too.

They are worthy of emulation because they are human qualities that create a fulfilling life. And above all else, that is all we’re searching for in the end.

1. Well trained

One of my favourite quotes by the Navy SEALs is — “When you’re under pressure you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training”

