7 Pinot Noir Alternatives That People Deserve to Know About

Expand your wine comfort zone and surprise your friends

Julia Oren


Photo: Adobe

- Shall we get some Pinot Noir? — asked Stephanie.

- Didn’t know you are such a big fan of it.— I spent last year in the USA and noticed that many Americans often choose it over other varieties with similar properties. I was wondering why.

- Well, I kind of used to Pinot. — she replied. — I just don’t really know what else to choose. I don’t like strong wines, with a lot of… how they called? Tannins. So I stick to what I know.

“I just don’t really know what else to choose.”

“I stick to what I know.” Hm.

The irony was that we were talking about getting out of a comfort zone just a minute ago. Apparently, it’s too tiring to pull yourself out of it all the time.

“Explore more, try new things” sounds good in theory, but sometimes choosing between option A and option B can suck our energy to the last drop.

Decision fatigue is not a myth nowadays. This is the condition when you avoid, ignore, procrastinate any choice-making process. Blue or yellow? This or that? Screw it, I’ll think about it tomorrow.

