Making money on forex is not is as though you have to abide by the 7 proven ways

Godwin Michael
4 min readJun 9, 2022


Photo by marga Santoso on unsplash

If you’re thinking about making money in forex trading, you’re not alone – it’s one of the fastest-growing industries in the world today. For decades now, traders have made millions – even billions – of dollars in this booming market by keeping their eyes on the ever-changing and fluctuating currency rates and profiting as they go up and down. But how do they do it? What are the best ways to profit from this market? In this article, we explore seven proven ways to make money in forex trading that anyone can easily follow.

1) Identify A Good Opportunity

As a forex trader, your ability to make money is based on being able to identify a good opportunity for you. Here are some things that you can do to help you find a good opportunity:

In addition to these strategies, it’s also important to have an idea of what kind of opportunities will be available and when they will be available. For example, if you know that there will be major news releases at 9 am Eastern time every Monday morning then it might not be a great idea to trade during those hours because there won’t be any opportunities available. You should also consider how much time you have and how much risk you want to take on before deciding which opportunities are best for you.

2) Understand Your Risk/Reward Ratio

Successful traders know that no strategy is foolproof, and it’s important to have a risk/reward ratio that works for you. If you're going all-in on every trade, your risk/reward ratio will almost always be negative. For example, if you invest $10,000 and lose half of it, your return is only $5,000—you'll need more than a handful of successful trades just to break even. This can be a dangerous game because emotional traders often do make impulsive trades without understanding their risk profile. So how do you determine your risk/reward ratio?

3) When To Enter The Trade

You don’t want to get into a trade too early or too late. Sometimes, traders wait for an extended period before they enter a position, while other times they jump in within minutes. Each type of trader will tell you that he has entered a trade at the right time. How do you know if it is right? You will likely never know for sure whether it was a perfect entry point because there are just too many factors affecting price and volume on any given day. However, some methods have proven successful over time and can help you with your timing.

4) Where To Place Your Stop Losses

By placing your stop losses far away from your entry price, you’re protecting yourself from quick market movements against you. And it’s crucial to protect yourself; while we don’t know exactly how much money we can lose when trading forex, some estimates put it as high as 85%! Protecting your investments is a great way to keep emotion out of trading decisions and ensure profitability long-term.

5) Managing The Trade

One of the biggest mistakes that traders make is becoming too emotionally involved with their trades. If you let your guard down and get caught up in counting your chickens before they hatch then there’s a very good chance that you will overstay your welcome and suffer as a result. Take it from me, I’ve been there – and it’s not fun when you find yourself getting back into trades far longer than anticipated simply because of greed. Remember, trade management is an essential part of forex trading. After all, if you don't understand when to cut your losses short, how can you ever hope to realize any gains?

6) Managing Your Emotions During The Trade

Yes, we are talking about emotions. You see, emotions can mess with your trading, and if you don’t control them they could be the very reason why you lose money. When you feel emotional or frustrated, step away from your trading platform for a little while and relax with a cup of coffee or listen to some music that will help keep your mind clear and focused. If you allow yourself to get caught up in emotional trading decisions, then before long it will be too late. Get out before it is too late! Leave emotion out of it! If you follow these seven easy tips from beginning traders that have made good money on forex trading you will surely start seeing more profit at the end of each month.

7) Get Support and Connect with Others

If you’re not already connected with other forex traders, join forums and chat rooms where people share tips on tools, strategies, trading patterns, and more. Consider attending a local meetup group; it’s one of the best ways to find out what types of trading are happening in your area. Because forex traders are independent contractors who can choose their hours, some may be involved with groups that meet only after work or during weekends. It will likely take time before you feel like you know enough about Forex trading to make money from it—but don’t let that discourage you. Researching your options is a good way to learn about trends and start figuring out how different trade styles fit into your broader strategy for building wealth through investing.



Godwin Michael

A writer with the passion for covering varieties of topics.