Life Lessons

7 reasons why Arrange Marriage is better than Love Marriage!

Here is my point of view!

The Anxious Mother


Firstly, let’s discuss what does word marriage actually means?

Basically, marriage is a contract between a man and a woman to spend life together as a life partner and to share everything with each other.

According to Islam, as the contract of marriage signed by both partners, a deep feeling of love and respect is developed automatically in both as a gift from God.

Now, since we are on the same page when it comes to the understanding of the word Marriage, let’s have a clearance on what Arrange Marriage means.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Arrange a marriage totally depends upon the boy’s or girl’s parents’ decision.

What basically happens is that their parents try to find out a partner for their child according to his/her priorities but on the choice of their own. They try to find someone who matches their description of requirement rather than what the other significant requires.

As the child obeys their parents and accepts their parents' recommendation, the bond between the child and the Parent grows stronger! They deeply get involved in each and every expectation of their child. They strongly admire and respect their child’s wishes and dreams about their view of a perfect marriage!

Mostly, all critical situations, if any occurs, between the newly wedded couple are handled by their parents as the significant other was of their choice.

On the other hand, as you get married, your expenditures automatically rise, and sometimes, you face financial crises, and even in such situations, the parents are always there by their side.

Now, let's have a glance at marriage that is based on Love.

In this contract, children mostly go to court or use other unfair/private means to complete the wedding ceremony, here I am referring to those cases where the parents of both partners are not agreed to continue with the relationship but the lovers still have to do it.

This kind of marriage contract is very familiar to be seen in recent days. In my opinion, our technology and bad company are the main sources of this ever-increasing crisis. Children often make promises that they themselves are unsure if they can keep them, just for temporary pleasures.

What happens when People get distracted and fall into this ‘temporary’ love?

People mostly fall into seasonal love in which, they initially, forget about any other responsibility that lies upon their shoulders and they just try to enjoy the temporary pleasure that they are getting. They don't think about what drawbacks this could have on their life.

Nowadays, the internet is a very unreal and fantasizes world, where everyone seems perfect and has no bad traits. And this often misleads people into forming wrong assumptions about the significant other. They don't think like how a person is in real life, their vision gets stuck to the other’s internet personality.

People initially seem good, cultured, and well-mannered on the internet, but actually, they are not! They just follow modernism and try to portray that they are in the elite class. Students of a young age do not know the actual meaning of love or else, I would say, it is extremely difficult to find a love like Heer — Ranjha, Laila — Majnoo, & Romeo — Juliet. Lovers like the ones mentioned do not exist now, it's all fake and bragging on today’s date!

These people were the example of what True Love is, but the love stories of the modern age are as sensitive as a soapy bubble, which breaks even on the slightest pressure applied on it.

Some kids, in this delusional love, accept the fact to lose their own happiness and satisfaction. They tend to risk everything just trying to make their fantasized love looks realistic, and in turn, do stuff that they regret in the later phases of their lives.

And if they continue to keep up with the “Perfect” love of theirs, then they opt for options like Court Marriage, etc, just to satisfy one’s ego, and going against their parents.

I won’t say all, but mostly, marriages like these tend to end up pretty bad as when the partners actually discuss what the other person is like, they get shocked and traumatized and all end up bad.

After the marriage contract, most of the newly wedded couples do not involve their parents in their personal lives, or the parents who were against the marriage, try to separate themselves from parents and other relatives and preferably lived alone. They think that living alone is the best thing after marriage. In a proper way, it is good to live alone and spend life just the way they both planned.

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

In arrange marriage, you always have your parents shadow behind you. Their prayers are protecting you from every hardship and pain while in love marriage it will be missing .


  1. The decision is yours, and the result will be by your name.
  2. Away from relatives make you feel unsafe and uncomfortable.
  3. Taking the wrong decision will regret you forever.
  4. You will be bound to solve financial or health issues by yourself as you will have left everyone.

It is a well saying,

Your present acts are your future story.

Your children will read that story by acting on it.

5. Being a child is a feeling but being a parent is a totally different feeling.

6. In real life, the picture of the story will be different, so, mostly love marriages end on a sad note or separation because a bad deed yields a bad result.

7. Before choosing your life partner, one important thing to keep in mind is that your partner will be the representative of your future generations, as it is that the true parents’ actions are automatically developed in children, so, choose the right person who really deserves to continue your upcoming generations.

Last Comment

Think deeply before taking any action as your recent steps are your forever life printout.

Tell me what points did I miss or is my point of view not aligned to yours?

I’m looking forward to your thinking in the comments. ❤️

