7 Reasons You Should Learn SQL in 2022

Hassan Faheem
Published in
5 min readSep 3, 2022
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SQL is more than just a database language. It’s an essential skill that every data expert should have. While some people are intimidated by the idea of learning SQL and database management systems in general, it isn’t that hard, and there are tons of resources to help you. This article will cover why you should learn SQL in 2022, how easy it is to pick up, and why everyone needs it.

1. SQL Is the Language of Data

It’s the most popular language for data analytics, used by businesses of all sizes, from large companies like Google and Facebook to small shops that have just gotten their first database up and running. SQL isn’t restricted to business applications either: it’s also used in scientific computing and engineering, the most popular language for analytics.

If you want to work in any field involving data science — from a machine learning engineer at Google or Facebook to an analyst at a multinational corporation — it’s helpful to know how SQL works, even if it’s not your primary focus.

2. SQL Skills Are in Demand

According to a recent report by LinkedIn and Burning Glass Technologies, data is the new oil, and SQL is the language of data. Yet, it’s estimated that there will be over five million unfilled roles related to big data by 2022.
And if that wasn’t enough reason to learn SQL, it’s also one of the easiest languages you can learn. A few months ago, I started learning SQL through online courses, and now I can answer business questions with a few lines of code.

3. SQL Skills Will Add Years to Your Career

SQL skills are in high demand, and for a good reason. SQL is a universal language that allows you to talk with any database from any vendor. In addition, companies like Amazon and Google use it, so there are plenty of opportunities to move within the industry if you want to. And because it’s an open standard, SQL can help you land a job anywhere — all over the world.

People who know SQL find jobs more accessible than those who don’t. Even if your current company has just one database that uses the proprietary language of their platform (like Postgres), they may still need someone who knows how other databases work as well as their system does.

That’s where knowing SQL comes in handy: it’s like having an extra tool in your toolbelt that can get things done faster than trying everything manually or using someone else’s tools instead of yours all along the way.

4. SQL Skills Are Easy to Learn

SQL is a beginner-friendly language, even if you haven’t had any formal training. The best way of learning SQL is by doing it. For example, try your hand at writing some basic queries in the free SQLite browser application or use any of the many free online tutorials on YouTube and elsewhere.

Once you understand how to run simple queries over small datasets and see the results firsthand, it will be straightforward to use and apply your knowledge when dealing with larger datasets or more complex tasks.

SQL is also an excellent foundation for other software engineering skills, such as Python or JavaScript, so it’s worth learning even if your career doesn’t directly involve data science.

5. Every Business Needs a Data Expert

Data is the new oil. There is no need to be a master in data to know that it’s essential, but you need to understand how it can help your business. Every business needs a data expert who knows what questions to ask and how to get answers from the data efficiently and informally.

Data experts are in demand because companies everywhere want their version of “Moneyball”. They want insights into how different types of customers behave, which products are selling well and why, etc., so that they can make better and more efficient business decisions (and save money).

6. Find a Job Anywhere

While having a technical background can be a great asset, you may want to work in non-technical roles. If that’s the case, SQL is an excellent skill to have.
It’s the language of data, and as mentioned before, it’s in high demand. You can use it to find answers to business problems, from personalizing customer experiences to analyzing sales data and making better decisions as a result of seeing patterns.

Furthermore, SQL skills are easy to learn because they’re based on simple concepts like tables (like spreadsheets) and rows and columns (like Excel sheets). They’re also very portable: once you’ve learned them at one company, they’ll be transferable anywhere else.

5. Build From a Solid Foundation

You’ll be able to build from a solid foundation. SQL is the language of databases, so being able to write it will give you a lot of power over how your data is stored and accessed. You’ll be able to build more complex things without needing other people’s help, and if they do need help in their project, you can be someone who knows SQL (and maybe even teach them).

You’ll be able to build things faster because learning SQL means learning the basics about databases and how queries are executed against them. When writing code against an existing database, incredibly complex ones with many tables and relationships between them, this knowledge will allow you to build much faster than before since there won’t be any unknowns standing in the way of what needs to be done next.


The bottom line? Learning SQL is a smart move. The skills you learn will give you an edge over your peers, and they’ll help you get the job of your dreams. I hope this post has helped you understand why it’s so important to learn SQL, and I hope you’ll consider taking the plunge.

Free Resources to Learn SQL

If you’re interested in learning more about SQL, check out the following resources:

  1. edX Courses
  2. Khan Academy
  3. W3schools
  4. Freecodecamp
  5. SQLCourse

My next article will provide a more comprehensive list of free resources to learn SQL.



Hassan Faheem

Data Scientist in the making | Masters Degree in Data Science from Heriot Watt University