7 Reasons You Shouldn’t Turn a Blind Eye to Drug and Alcohol Use in the Workplace

It’s happening in your workplace today, and lives are at risk — including yours

Gill McCulloch
Published in
8 min readOct 20, 2022


A glass containing an alcoholic beverage sits next to some pills in a foil blister pack.
Image by günter from Pixabay

Employees using drugs and alcohol at work can have serious consequences. This article explores some of the effects of substance use in the workplace.

What is the impact of substance use in the workplace?

Many activities at work require alertness and quick, accurate reflexes. Impairment in these qualities can cause incidents and interfere with the accuracy and efficiency of work.

Wise employers are educating themselves about substance use in the workplace because they’ve realized ignoring the problem is irresponsible and will hurt them in the long run. As well as the human cost, lower productivity rates will negatively affect the bottom line.

The Scale of the Problem

Despite the proven dangers, worldwide drug use is increasing. In 2021, approximately 275 million people used drugs, up 22 percent from 2010. By 2030, projections tell us the number of people using drugs will rise by 11 percent worldwide and as much as 40 percent in Africa.



Gill McCulloch

I write about first aid, subjects that move me deeply and situations that make me laugh. Founder, Safe + Sound First Aid Training Ltd.