7 Signs It’s Lust, Not Love: Don’t Confuse the Two

Is it love or simply lust? Discover the seven unmistakable signs that reveal the true nature of your feelings. Navigate the captivating world of attraction with our expert guide!



Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

Today, I want to talk about something we’ve all experienced at one point or another in our lives: the whirlwind of emotions that comes with attraction.

Picture this: you’re standing in a dimly lit room, surrounded by the intoxicating scent of romance, feeling like you’re on the brink of something incredible. Your heart races, your palms sweat, and you’re convinced you’ve found “the one.” But, hold onto your heartstrings, my dear readers! What if I told you that what you’re feeling might not be love at all? What if it’s the siren song of lust, enticing you into a maze of emotions as tangled as a spider’s web?

But wait, We’re diving deep into where lust and love sometimes get all tangled up.

Let’s embark on a journey that will not only enlighten you but might just save you from a few emotional rollercoasters.

1. It’s All About the Bod:

So, you’ve met someone, and your heart races every time they’re around. But hold on a sec! Is it just their…

