7 Signs You’re Not Ready to be a Parent

So you don’t screw up someone else’s life as well as your own

Pete Williams


One thing I’ve noticed over the last decade or two is society’s unwillingness to appropriately judge adult behaviour, especially when it comes to parenting. You’ll hear constant excuses like, “you don’t know what anyone else is going through, so don’t judge them,” and ,“every parent is just trying their best.”

The bar has been set so low that so long as you don’t do anything that kills your kids, hey, we’re not gonna judge you, cos that’s mean. Well, I’m calling bullshit. I can and will judge you as a parent, because your choices as a parent have consequences, both for your kids and for all the people your kids will come into contact with over the course of their life.

Here is a list of signs that, in my opinion, show you aren’t ready to be a parent. You should either fix them before you have kids or, if you’re already a parent, get on top of them and sort yourself out so you don’t bring damaged people into the world.

You don’t see yourself as a role model

If you really, truly want to be a parent, one of the first things you realise is that every decision you make matters. What you give your kids to eat, how you talk to your spouse in front of them…

