7 Stages of the David Perlmutter Experience

Have you been through them yet?

Benny Carts


Image by Krakenimages.com

There comes a point where every self-respecting artist must compromise integrity for the sake of success. This is why I’m shamelessly seizing the moment…except I’m a little late to the party. Yes, dozens of articles have already been written on this subject, but I’m not going to let that stop me from unwrapping the gift that keeps on giving. And I’m not talking about Keanu, Elon, or NFTs — it’s something much, much more powerful.

I’m referring to he who shall not be named. No, not that one. He who, with a quick flick of the wrist and click of the index finger, brings color and validation to every article. He whose identity and very humanity have been brought into question. He who’s been subjected to warm praise, lurid satire, and a general feeling of confusion from our fickle community.

Oh yeah, I wrote it in the title…of course, I’m talking about the maverick, marketing genius, and Master Highlighter that is David Perlmutter. Becoming aware of everything he encompasses is a journey many of us go through. You’ve doubtless already been through these stages before, but for those who haven’t, this should be a useful guide.

7 stages of David Perlmutter

  1. Ordinary reaction: “Well, this gentleman seemed to…

