7 Steps to a Positive Mindset

Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

What’s better than this: the strength to face any challenge? The ability to see comfort in chaos?

Not much, if you ask me.

Attaining these goals — and more — all start from having a positive mind.

Being optimistic can transform your life in many ways. So let’s dive into these 7 steps to a more positive mindset.

Focus on the good things

It’s hard to not mind the troubles we face, but shifting your focus on the positive things is a primary step to take.

Instead of dwelling on problems, think about the solutions available. Instead of feeling bogged down by a failure, take it as feedback for improvement.

Always see the good in a bad situation.

By adopting this practice, you’ll not only have a positive perspective, but also increase your resilience and problem-solving skills.

Practice gratitude

Gratitude is being thankful for all the good things in life, whether they be big or small.

And it’s not the empty ‘thank you’ you say when you’re handed something.

It’s sitting back and taking a deeper look into what you’ve got. It’s truly appreciating those gifts: your health, your family, your job, even those eggs you had for breakfast.

The thought process goes like this: “I’m glad I have my Iphone. I can call my loved ones, learn new things, and even make notes”.

Doing this gives you a sense of satisfaction, which leads to a positive mind.

Research also shows that when we are thankful, our brain is triggered to release hormones associated with joy and pleasure, creating more positive feelings overall.

Try writing down 5 things you’re grateful for every morning. It’ll give your day a positive start.

Photo by Megan Watson on Unsplash

Reframe your thoughts

Pay attention to your thoughts. When you find yourself getting into negative self-talk, stop.

Ask yourself — “Where’s the silver lining in this cloud?”

Change the negative statement into a positive one.

For example, “I can’t reach this goal” could become: “Even if I fail today, I will always have the capacity to try tomorrow”.

This method is key to making optimism a reality.

Do some self-care

Life can be stressful. That’s why at times you need to retreat and unwind yourself.

Engaging in some self-care is a great way to do just that. It could be things like:

  • reading a book
  • doing skincare
  • taking a walk outside
  • baking
  • and more…

All of these activities reduce stress and anxiety. They improve positive thinking by increasing things like:

  • Self-esteem: Taking care of yourself means showing compassion and respect for your needs. Some ‘you’ time can definitely boost self-esteem.
  • Mindfulness: When you spend time with yourself, you turn towards your thoughts and feelings. In other words, you become mindful.

Remember, a relaxed mind is always better at staying optimistic.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Unsplash

Smile more

Studies have shown that smiling releases chemicals like endorphins and dopamine. These ‘happy hormones’ are what make us feel joy and pleasure.

It’s all the more reason to make a silly joke with a friend, or watch something funny.

Additionally, you feel the perks of a smile even when you’re not really enjoying it.

So turn that frown upside down. Besides, what’s there to lose?

The positive mindset you’re looking for is not far off.

Make healthy habits

You can say that the mind and body are one. They both influence each other depending on their present state.

If you want to stay positive, you have to ensure you’re feeling your best.

Give yourself the nutrition it needs. Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet with lots of veggies and protein. Keep fiber-rich snacks on hand like fruit or low-sugar granola bars. Cut down on the processed carbs and sugar.

Photo by Odiseo Castrejon on Unsplash

The other habit to make is exercise. Find something you enjoy. It could be walking, swimming, or playing a sport. In general, do some physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day.

Making these changes one step at a time won’t just boost your mental health, but your physical health too.

Spend time in nature

Getting in touch with the outdoors can do wonders for your mental well-being. The blue skies and green grass leave rejuvenating effects on us.

Here are its science-backed benefits:

  • It creates positive feelings
  • It improves your mood
  • It reduces stress
  • It increases confidence and self esteem

So the next time you’re feeling down, take a little walk outside, and see the changes for yourself.

Filling your days with positivity can make a huge impact. It boosts resilience, increases productivity, and not to mention, benefits physical health. Your routine will get the promotion it deserves.

So try putting these 7 tips into practice. A new life awaits.

