7 Steps To Self-Love

Nidhi Patel
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2020
7 Steps To Self-Love
Bart LaRue on Unsplash

We are often busy with our professional life or loving and caring for our loved ones that we forget to love ourselves.

The first step in learning to love yourself is understanding the meaning of self-love.

Self-love means accepting your strengths, your weaknesses, and everything in between. It is the way of relating to yourself without being judgmental or punishing yourself for every mistake you make.

If you are unsure about how to start showing yourself some love, this article might help.

  1. Stop comparing ourselves to others. We often compare ourselves to others. May it be in life, profession, education, or in any other thing. As being humans, we tend to do so. Do not compare yourself to someone else because regardless of how close you are to someone; you don’t know what they are going through or how they feel. Small steps towards self-love will stir joy and happiness that will help you respect yourself and your dreams.
  2. Forgive yourselves for past failures. Everyone has to face a fall in life. Even the most successful people make mistakes, and some don’t even get the opportunity that you might have. What if we fail once, we can succeed if we keep on trying. Forgive yourselves and move on towards your path of success
  3. Do what makes you feel good about yourself whether that’s cooking, yoga, reading, writing, it can be anything.
  4. Accept yourself completely. Everyone is perfect in their own way. As every human is different in everything. You should accept yourself the way you are. Never look on for more or be greedy or crave for more, as this may lead you to lose whatever you have. Be happy and satisfied with how you are.
  5. Learn to say no when you want to say no, even when it’s uncomfortable.
  6. Find out what is unique in you and work on it to make yourself more perfect in what you can do. Being best is good than being better.
  7. Say Thank You and love you to yourself when you look into the mirror.

You are the most important thing in your life

So Stop on self-pity, and start loving yourself.



Nidhi Patel

👩just a girl chasing her dreams. Sharing life lessons✨ and experiences💛