7 Subtle Signs Which Show That You Have An Ego Problem

And what you can do to control it

Yewande Ade


Photo: Royal Anwar on Pexels

Ego is an innate thing that exists within us. Everyone has it.

Having a healthy ego is very important for our self-esteem and self-confidence.

However, your ego becomes a problem when it negatively controls your emotions, thoughts, and reaction.

In Scientific American, Barry Kaufman defines Ego as “that aspect of the self that has the incessant need to be seen in a positive light.”

Truly, ego becomes an unpleasant trait once it climaxes to an exaggerated feeling of self-importance.

Although there is a tendency to confuse ego with confidence, one is slightly different from the other. Unlike confidence, ego operates out of self-interest because people whose lives are driven by their ego are mostly overconfident and think that they are always right, regardless of the actual facts.

“Ego is an overdressed insecurity.” -Quincy Jones

Tell-tale signs that your ego is in charge are arrogance, difficulty in acknowledging the opinions of others, and paying no attention to your own personal flaws.

