7 Things Nobody Tells You About Their Online Success

Lize Richmond
Published in
5 min readDec 19, 2022

(It is not as easy as they make it out to be)

Photo by Anastasia Nelen on Unsplash

How many times have you seen

“I made 6 figures working 2 hours a day”

“How to make $$$ with only your phone”

“Live the laptop live on the beach”?

There is no shortage of promises of freedom to work less and make more money while sitting on the beach. (or wherever you fancy)

At this rate you expect to see beaches full of people with laptops, earning millions while living the life.

But do you see them? Once you leave your computer screen, do you see these people in real life? Or do they only appear on the internet?

Where are these people?

They are there, but there are not as many of them as the internet would like to make out.

It is also not as simple as those headlines make it sound.

They Don’t Work 2 Hours a Day

Not in the beginning anyway. You can make 6 figures and work 2 hours a day but not when you start out. That comes later (and it only comes when you have the right systems in place).

No matter what business you start, there is a learning curve. And that learning curve takes time. For everyone.

Of course, the fewer hours you work in the beginning, the longer it will take. And that is why this should be a long-term goal.

It is not something you achieve overnight.

They Don’t Tell You About Those Who Fail

How many times do you hear of people who didn’t make it? Who gave up and went back to a safe 9–5 job. They don’t exactly shout it from the rooftops.

Although very popular, only about 10% of online businesses become successful. That’s right, about 90% of online businesses fail and most of them fail within the first 120 days.

There is no reason why you cannot be part of the 10% of success. But I promise you, in the beginning, it won’t be easy. You will feel overwhelmed.

It is not going to be an easy 2 hours of work on the beach.

They Value Their Time

Many years ago, there was no internet. Imagine that! I remember working through an encyclopedia to find answers for school tasks. It was complicated and time-consuming.

But today, free information is available everywhere. You don’t need to spend a dime to learn something new.

But successful people know, spending time sifting through free information is expensive. Because time is money.

If you value your time, you pay to get quality information.

They Didn’t Do It Alone

It is not only sports teams and stars that need coaches. Entrepreneurs do too. Name a top entrepreneur and you will find they have or had a coach. They didn’t become successful on their own.

For example, Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) was coached by Bill Campbell. Oprah Winfrey (tv host) by Martha Beck and Bill Clinton (former US president) by Tony Robbins.

A coach will help you see the blind spots you don’t see about yourself. A coach will show you different perspectives. A coach will push you out of your comfort zone.

If you want to succeed in the online world, find a coach.

They Run a Business, Not a Hobby

As everyone dangles this carrot of “little work but making big bucks” in front of you, you will think it is easy. And then you approach your business like a hobby. Work on it when you have time or feel like it.

Online success is no different from other businesses. You still need to approach it with a business mindset.

You need to plan and dedicate time to your business. You need to put systems in place, and you need to learn the ins and outs of the online business world.

And yes, you also have to learn and do the stuff you don’t like.

They Know How to Market Their Business

Too often people think if they have an online business, people will find them on the internet. So they create a website, create a social media account, and sit back and wait for clients…

And then nothing happens.

Because there is SEO, algorithms, and lots and lots of competition. As a small fish in a big pond, you need to know what you are doing to get your name out there.

And this means you have to market your business. And show up on various online platforms. Just like any other physical business has to do.

So buckle up, get over your fear and get yourself out there.

They Have Discipline

It is the dream, you wake up when you want, you work when you want and you wear what you want. Your life, your rules.

We all want that (well most of us). But to get there, you need to do the hard work first. So you need discipline. You need to know how to say no.

For example, you have to say no to Netflix. You have to say no to social outings (my family is at the beach as I am writing this) and stop mindless scrolling on social media.

Successful people value their time and use it in a disciplined way.

Working online still is the dream for many people. It is currently one of the top opportunities to create a life of freedom.

Working online is accessible to almost everyone. And that means…

  • You can be financially free
  • You can be free from working long hours
  • You can be free to work anywhere.

But your success does not come from accessibility.

Success comes with implementing what you learn, understanding the long-term goal, and doing the work.

Do you want to make money writing online? Sign up for Medium Writer Superstars with top Medium writer Ayodeji Awosika.

Or are you thinking about dipping your fingers in affiliated marketing? Start this free 90min affiliate challenge showing you the exact steps you need to start.

(I may earn an affiliate commission if you purchase from these links)



Lize Richmond

Website and sales funnel designer |Personal Development | Affiliate Marketing | Mindset | Homeschool Mom