7 Things to Make You Feel Hopeful, Right Now

And they take less than 5 minutes

Modern Messy


Every so often, life throws curveballs. Some we dodge, some we hit out of the park, and then there are some that get us down and out.

The unfairness of life is not always easy to deal with. Before we know it, we are spiraling down into despair. Here are 7 simple things we can do to stop this downward spiral and uplift the mood.

Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

Name positive emotions: This seems deceptively simple, but works. Place your hand on your heart, close your eyes, and say names of positive emotions — peace, love, abundance, acceptance, courage, strength, hope, faith. Whatever emotions are positive for you, say those words, aloud if possible, for one whole minute.

Closing your eyes and saying these emotionally charged words floods your mind and heart with positivity. Just what you need in the moment.

This is a real doozy and one of my secret and tried and tested activity when I’m feeling low. It has never failed me so far and the best part is, it only takes a minute.

Think of one Random Act of Kindness you did: What was one thing you did that helped someone, brought a smile or relief to them. Doesn’t matter how long ago it was, might have been in your childhood or school. What was that act? Try to remember all…



Modern Messy

Mountain Lover | Soul Searcher | Truth Seeker | High Flyer|