7 Things You Should Know to Become a Great Medium Writer

Lessons I’ve learnt after spending a year writing on Medium

Jerren Gan


Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

A year ago, I began my journey as a Medium writer, thinking that my experience as a blogger would mean that my transition into Medium would be an easy one.

Spoiler alert: It wasn’t.

I started my first month with a grand total monthly earning of $0.01. That woke me up. Unlike in a personal blog, writing on Medium meant that I was competing with thousands of other talented writers for the attention of readers. I realised that I had to learn. And I had to learn quickly if I wanted to succeed on this platform.

And today, after 84 stories published, I am still in the process of learning. That’s the beauty of writing on Medium (actually the same goes for many of the other platforms we writers share our work on). And to help those who are just starting out, here are some of the lessons I have learnt (in no order of importance as you’d need everything and more in order to succeed here):

1. Be ready to pour in lots of work

When it comes to Medium, many of us join thinking that we wouldn’t have to put in much work. After all, the audience is already here. What else would I have to do other than show up…



Jerren Gan

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.