7 Tips to Develop Your Personal Style and Create a Look That’s Unforgettable

Sejal Kunjiwal
Published in
5 min readApr 24, 2023
7 Tips to Develop Your Personal Style and Create a Look That’s Unforgettable
Designed by author

Personal style is not just a reflection of what you wear; it’s a window into your personality, your interests, and your individuality. It’s a fusion of what you love, what looks good on you, and what reflects your one-of-a-kind self.

But let’s face it, discovering your own style can be a daunting task. Even for those with a natural knack for fashion, it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of choices.

I know I’ve certainly struggled on my own journey toward defining my personal style. And while I can’t say for certain that I’ve found it yet, I’m confident that I’m headed in the right direction.

The journey to finding your personal style requires patience, a willingness to try new things, and the courage to step outside your comfort zone.

So let’s dive in and get you to discover your own unique style.

  1. Start with what you already got

It may sound tempting to start with a clean slate but it can be daunting and overwhelming. So take a step back and analyze your current wardrobe.

Your current wardrobe is a reflection of your past purchases and fashion choices. This can help you understand your likes, dislikes, and past fashion mistakes.

It can help you set your priorities straight and guide you toward making more informed fashion choices in the future.

2. Get fashion inspiration

Finding inspiration for your fashion journey is the most fun and effortless part! All you have to do is comfortably lay on your bed and scroll on your phone.

But here’s the twist — make sure you’re mindfully scrolling through fashion-related stuff!

Pinterest is the most efficient tool for fashion inspiration. It’s a great app to learn and evolve your personal style. Plus, Pinterest makes it easy to create a mood board effortlessly.

Another great source is social media, especially YouTube and Instagram. Follow fashion creators with styles similar to yours or the style you aspire to have. Look at their outfits and get inspired!

3. Get out of your comfort style

Although it may seem ironic, personal style is all about being comfortable. However, it’s important to challenge yourself and try new things.

It’s easy to become complacent and stick to what’s familiar, but stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to exciting discoveries.

Try to experiment with different styles and evaluate what you like and dislike. Remember, everything is learned through trial and error, and finding your style is no exception.

Get feedback from your family and friends to gain different perspectives.

Don’t be afraid to challenge your boundaries and try something new. Who knows? This could be the start of a new style that becomes uniquely yours.

4. Learn about your body type

When you know your body type you can easily figure out which type of clothes will flatter your features and make you look well proportionate while also hiding any insecurities you may have.

While body type is often categorized into five main types, it’s important to remember that not every person’s body falls neatly into these categories. Each person is unique, and their body type may differ.

That’s perfectly fine, and we should embrace our bodies just as they are. It’s important to keep in mind that clothes are meant to make us feel better, not the other way around.

5. Create a capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is a carefully curated collection of clothes that share similar colors, patterns, and types. This allows you to mix and match different pieces to create various outfits within the same wardrobe.

Not only does this save you money by avoiding impulsive purchases that don’t pair well with other items, but it also prevents your wardrobe from becoming repetitive with the same outfits.

A capsule wardrobe need not be boring. With the right mix of versatile pieces, you can create numerous stylish and functional outfits for any occasion.

6. Have the confidence to carry

Confidence is an essential element that should not be underestimated when it comes to personal style. That’s not enough to love an outfit if you don’t have the confidence to wear it.

Confidence is like armor that enhances your outfit and protects you from negative perceptions of your style, making you five times more attractive.

So, have confidence in your taste and rock your unique style with pride. Your style reflects who you are, and you should never be afraid to show off your individuality.

7. Practice, practice, and practice

Developing your style is a thrilling journey that allows you to express yourself through your wardrobe.

The more you practice styling different outfits, the more you will learn about what works best for your body type, skin tone, and personal preferences. These will help you refine your fashion sense and establish a style that is uniquely your own.

So go ahead, take a leap of faith, and embark on the journey of discovering your style. There are many possibilities while the adventure is just the beginning.

Wrap it up

In conclusion, finding your style is a process that takes time, patience, and practice.

Before you can begin to develop your style, it’s important to analyze your current wardrobe and identify any pieces that you love or that you feel best represent your style.

Getting fashion inspiration from various sources, such as social media or fashion magazines, can also help you discover new ideas and styles to incorporate into your wardrobe.

It’s important to try different styles and experiment with different clothing combinations to find what makes you feel most confident and comfortable.

Learning about your body type can also help you to find clothes that flatter your figure and enhance your personal style.

Creating a capsule wardrobe, where you have a few key pieces that can be mixed and matched, can also make it easier to put together outfits that reflect your personal style.

Finally, having the confidence to carry yourself with style and grace can help you to feel more comfortable and confident in any outfit you wear.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things as you develop your personal style.

Thank you so much for staying with me till the end!

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Comment down below what problem you’re facing during the journey or what’s the most important point that helped you find your personal style.

Until next time, Adios:)

