7 Tips To Help You Spend Less Time On Emails

Saving time when dealing with emails

Casey Botticello


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Source: Casey Botticello of Blog Banner

Email is still one of the most popular ways for people to communicate, especially for work. Statista indicates that an average of 306 billion emails are sent and received, on average, daily in 2020 so far, with that figure expected to pass 361 billion by the year 2024.

Source: Statista

With that said, many employees spend a significant portion of their workdays on reading and replying to emails. In fact, one study found that 28% of work time is spent on email by professionals, which can amount to well over 11 hours during a 40-hour work week. If you happen to be among the millions of employees who struggle to keep up with emails and remain productive, there are some steps you can take. Read on to discover seven tips to lessen the time spent on emails daily.

1. Automate your responses

Many professionals receive dozens of emails daily. The thing is, many of them usually require similar responses, such as “Thank you,” “Got it,” “Awesome!” “Will look into it,” etc. That’s one reason why G-mail offers reply suggestions when you set out to respond to a message in your…

