7 Twitter (X) Mistakes That Hurt Small Accounts

Avoid these 7 Deadliest Mistake to Avoid at all Cost

Alan Yunes
4 min readJun 19, 2024


Image Credit: Freepik.com

These are the seven mistakes that will kill your small account on X/Twitter.

They’ll drop your engagement to zero and they’ll stop you from ever going past more than a few 100 followers.

#1 Sending Automated Direct Messages With no Personalization

This could get your account shadow banned and stop all of your momentum before it even starts and the.

Best way to stop doing this mistake is to personalize your message.

Follow the creator that your direct messaging and maybe even interact on the timeline before you send that message.

The worst thing that you can do is to tell someone that you love their content and you’re not even following them.

It can do a hell of a lot of damage to your reputation and stop you from ever being able to contact that creator again

As they may have muted you or even blocked you.

#2 Posting Explicit or Hateful Content

Controversy is one of the most popular ways to grow on social media

Many creators will use controversial statements or post outrageous videos to get engagement and get people commenting

Hoping to attract a wider audience to engage and follow

But if you go too controversial, X can label you as a hateful account and potentially shadow ban you

Or the worst-case scenario is X can ban you off the platform altogether.

There is a fine line to trad and if you want to prevent yourself from doing this

Have a look at what other controversial content creators are doing and always avoid copying their tactics

#3 Posting When You Feel Like it

You need to have a consistent posting schedule if you want to grow following on X/Twitter

When X sees that you’re posting content consistently, they will promote your account to more people

Also, your audience will get used to you and trust you more as they know you are going to show up on the timeline every single day.

A great way to overcome this is to schedule your content in batches and make sure that you’re showing up every day. You can use tools like like hypefury to save a lot of time and schedule out your tweets. So, you don’t have to worry about sitting down every day, and just thinking from scratch what to write about. And that’s really going to save you a ton of time

#4 Only Engaging With Few and Small Accounts

X recently released the algorithm source code and in it it says that if you are a person who only engages with small accounts, your account will be flagged as somebody of low value

to get around this you need to engage with a mixture of small, medium and large size accounts

If you engage with different accounts, they will potentially see your content and they could repost it or also engage with you as well.

That gives you visibility on the timeline which in turn gets people to come to your account and potentially follow you.

The best way to engage with big accounts is to drop some value act replies.

If you do that regularly, more people will come and look at what you’re actually creating for yourself, and if you’ve got a great account and a good profile picture, then they’re going to engage with your stuff as well.

#5 Using Lots of Hashtags in your Content

Hashtags look super spammy and just aesthetically look terrible.

Do not use hashtags in your content, no matter what anybody else tells you.

A lot of people using hashtags on X, thinking it does something

The reality is; it does nothing, it doesn’t work anymore

Today, hashtags don’t matter, because the technlogy behind X/Twitter is good enough to read tweets and figure out which type of content it it

So stop using , unless it’s for an event, and people will use the hashtag to track it

#6 Using Chunks of Text in Your Content

Walls of text are impossible to read. You want to create nice, neat paragraphs so that people can read your content easily.

Think of your writing as an aesthetic piece of art and make it so nice and easy for people to consume

Because if it’s good enough, they’re more likely to like it and repost it into their feed.

The simple rule here is if you make your content easy to read, then people will enjoy reading it

#7 Only Sharing Advice in your Content

Advice is nice, but every single creator at the moment is doing it

People crave peronal stories

So share your personal stories, a picture that only you can share and you’ll add some personality to your personal brand.

That way you can build a cult around yourself and not just your niche ss someone who is a guy who gives advice

What do you think? Let me know in the comments, and if you’d like to see more insightful stories like this, hit the follow button!



Alan Yunes

Dad | Digital Marketing Strategist | I've helped over 100 brands craft a captivating online presence, reach wider audiences, and fuel brand growth.