7 underlying traits of “Happy” people

Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2021


Let’s get straight in.


Please Note : Happy people are referred here as they, them.

1. They have learnt to deal with failures and rejections, fame and wealth.

They have mastered this art by — not taking things personally.

They know how to remove themselves from the line of fire or fame.

Behaviour: They remain emotionally balanced when faced with failures and rejections or showered with awards and accolades. Also, they often stand totally disassociated with their titles.

They know they’re not defined by these events.

Outcome: This trait not only gives them a constant sense of security but also sets them on the path of success.

Every failure becomes a learning and not a loss. A good example, Elon Musk.

2. They see life “as is”

They are not delusional nor do they live in a parallel universe.

Their motto — It is what it is.

Behaviour: They are very realistic and often less idealistic in behaviour. They speak the truth and the ground reality with much ease and absolutely no emotion attached to it.

