7 Valuable Lessons I Have Learned From A Failed Relationship

“The heart will break, but broken live on.” -Lord Byron

Almar Tagara
3 min readApr 13, 2024


Photo by Karolina Grabowska: https://www.pexels.com/photo/tears-on-face-of-crop-anonymous-woman-4471315/

Broken relationships are never funny.

After the breakup, you will ask yourself what you did wrong. Sometimes, you make an effort to fix it. But even though you are hurt, you should focus on recovery to improve your life.

Focus on self-improvement if you are single and here are the 7 valuable lessons I have learned from a failed relationship:

1. Focus on earning more money.

It’s hard to maintain a new relationship when you have no money.

As a young man, I’ve learned that I need to have a stable income before I enter a new relationship. I’ve also learned that I should focus on my goals at first if I want to achieve my dreams. Great relationships take a lot of work. Listen to your partner if you want to understand her needs. The best relationships are built on honesty and trust.

Money is not everything, but it can help you earn a college degree.

Rich people invest their money in learning new skills and buying new businesses.

2. Learn valuable skills and read books in your free time.

High-income skills can be learned.

For example, if I am interested in copywriting, I should buy seven copywriting books. Buying copywriting courses can also improve my skills. But true learning comes from doing the work.

Here are some of the best high-income skills right now:

• Ghostwriting

• Video Editing

• Graphic Design

Learning digital skills will accelerate your career. Clients want to save time and money.

3. Travel a lot.

Going to different place can change your perspective about life.

Some provinces have different culture and beliefs. They want to focus on surviving and taking care of their children. But some people value status over money.

Life is meant to be enjoyed.

4. Focus on a small group of friends.

As an introvert, I have a small group of friends.

It’s better to be that way because I loathe social interactions. But I need to learn how to communicate despite of my extreme introversion. So, talking to my friends and reading public speaking books helped me overcome my fear of public speaking.

Having friends that share your values is the ultimate life hack.

5. Master digital writing and ghostwriting.

Digital writing is the future of writing.

Writing on social media can help you build an online audience regardless of your age. You don’t need permission to share your ideas on the internet. You need courage and persistence. Thick skin is a must if you want to become a successful artist.

When I was 21 years old, I have found my first ghostwriting client. Successful people need a lot of digital written content if they want to be seen as an expert in their field.

6. Create more art to share your ideas.

Sharing your ideas will change your life.

If you share your ideas, you will find that some people will like your work. But some of them will disagree with your opinions. You need to listen if you want to understand other people. Provide new solutions to old problems if you want to attract new digital readers.

The best art can touch a human soul.

7. Focus on mastery.

Becoming great at your chosen skill takes time.

Having a mentor will accelerate your progress. There is a reason why Michael Jordan is considered one of the best basketball players of all time. He has Phil Jackson.

Listen to your mentor if you want to become excellent.

They will help you accomplish your goals.



Almar Tagara

Digital Writer | Artist | Ghostwriter| Want to become a Thought Leader in your industry? Connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/almartagarasaas/