7 Ways My Stories Can Easily Get Found By Readers

It’s really pretty sweet!


Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash

1. My Profile Page

This one is easy. My name is Don Martin. In the language of Medium, that’s pronounced DonMartin711 (Caps are optional) Just go to Medium.com/@donmartin711 and you can bookmark it if you want to. (The “@” is mandatory here.)

I believe that everything I publish anywhere on Medium eventually shows up there on my profile page, whining and bruised, smelling like Lucky Strikes and Captain Morgan, and telling stories of being abducted while doing volunteer work at some food bank somewhere.

2. Following Me

Oddly enough, that means you follow me. Like a cheap private detective, you want to stay a couple of cars back, and not let me see what you’re up to. You will have a good idea of what I am doing. You just won’t see what I buy when I go to the drugstore.

3. Envelope Sub Me

Clicking on my envelope icon gets Medium to send you a note in your email account every time I crank out one of the little darlin’s. You won’t miss anything I publish on Medium.

4. By Topic

Up at the top of the Main Medium page, there is a horizontal list of tags and topics you have shown…



Don Martin, real-life writer, author, journalist.

If I had a dime for every time I didn't know what was going on, I'd be asking, "Where's all this money coming from?" ⭐https://donmartinstoryteller.substack.com