7 Ways to Achieve Real Progress on Your Goals

How to stay focused and motivated to reach your desired outcome

Laura Bongers


I used to wait around for bursts of motivation in order for me to work on my goals. They seemed too farfetched and overwhelming, so I would take the easy way out, avoiding doing the hard stuff.

Within this year, I realized that my goals are not just going to come by sporadically doing some work here and there and definitely not by sheer motivation.

So, having more time in my hands, I found some methods that have helped me get closer to my goals than ever before.

I’ve finally started working for myself, following routines that work the best for me, and each day I’m finding ways to improve in every way I can.

Striving to constantly become better, both in your personal life and career, will give you a sense of purpose and something to look forward to each day.

When you have a big lofty goal, it can feel intimidating and like a huge amount of work. But when you see progress every day gives you the momentum to keep moving forward until you reach your goals.

Here are 7 ways you can use to see real progress on your goals. I hope they benefit you as they’ve done to me.

#1 Have a Strong “Why”



Laura Bongers

Freelance Writer & Content Creator. Sharing thoughts on self-improvement, writing, and life:) noblewriting.substack.com/