How Increase Traffic To Your Website (7 Solid SEO Strategies)

Mani Pathak
Published in
12 min readApr 27, 2024

This is an Ultimate SEO Checklist for anyone who wants to increase website traffic, even if you are a beginner.

I work as an SEO consultant for a brand website, and this month, despite being hit by Google’s March Core Algorithm And Spam update, our SEO generated 11.8M impressions and 307K+ organic traffic.

That’s what SEO can do for your business.

SEO to Generate Traffic for Your New Website
Image By Author Mani Pathak. How to Use SEO to Generate Traffic for Your New Website?

Without spending much on ads, organic traffic from Google or referral traffic can help generate good coverage and save money.

Michael O’Neill has to say this about his organic and paid traffic.

Organic Traffic Vs. Paid Ads. Image Source:

That’s how free traffic is possible and effective, even for your new website.

Though I wouldn’t lie, it’s not easy to work on something that can be done in a month or few months; it has taken a few years.

That’s not the Google Discover or news traffic; we get a good amount of traffic from Google Search.

Here, you can check.

Google Discover or news traffic
Google Discover or news traffic.

As you can see. In the above screenshot, Google Discover or News merely contributes to 10,300 traffic (clicks).

But in the last twelve months, we have sent over 7.5 million traffic, and that’s for several good reasons.

Free Organic traffic
7.5 million traffic on our website organically. Images Source: Our Google Analytics page.

We have a website where you organically get 500 to 2000 leads daily for FREE (We only have to bear SEO costs far lower than paid ads) and sell services worth $50 to $1000+ for each customer.

Salesforce CRM Proof Of Organic Traffic Leads by
Salesforce CRM Proof Of Organic Traffic Leads. Image By Mani Pathak.

I am assuming a 2% conversion at $100 per conversion, which is very low for organic traffic and our services.

2000*%2= 40x100= $4000/day.
This means they are making over
$120,000+ every month, and trust me, even more, as I know but can’t reveal here.

Now, you are going to value SEO in your business.

Let’s jump on how to SEO a website to boost organic traffic and leads.

7 Best SEO Strategies for Driving Traffic to Your New Website

As an SEO analyst, I understand a new website with a domain authority below 10. You may have built those two years ago, but it’s new if it has no domain authority or traffic.

I have heard many SEO experts and learned different strategies, but today… You will get some extremely secret strategies that are rarely shared.

I assume your website has been verified in the Google search console and is technically sound (on-page SEO done properly).

Here we go.

#1. Referral Traffic From Free/Paid Websites

Among several other methods, I like this method the most. There are many websites where people generally visit for different services, knowledge, products, and solutions.

Let’s take as an Example.

Organic Traffic Analysis Organic Traffic Analysis using Semrush.

The image above shows that Medium gets roughly 51.1 million organic visitors per SemRush (SEO Tool).

This means that more than 50 million people searching on Google land on any of the medium articles from the SERPs results page, read them, and if interested, take services.

However, this traffic is more than 100M.

Fortunately, anyone can register on Medium for free and publish a blog post to help its audience; from there, the reader can also visit their website.

I’m writing this blog post on Medium, which will likely help my readers, but to help further, I can also hyperlink to the right blog post or services page from my website in the post.

That means, while reading the posts, anyone can click and visit that website to read further or to take services.

You can quickly send traffic to your new website through many free platforms.

  1. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin
  2. Free News And Blog Sites — Medium, NewsBreak, YouTube, OpenPr
  3. Free guest posting sites, such as HubSpot, Techopedia, and others.

How does it actually work?

Let’s learn with a simple example from my own blog,

I will create a blog like this account (Mani Pathak) to drive referral traffic and publish great content.

Like this post, and whoever I find the opportunity to explain and guide readers better, but not possible to write the entire thing in one blog post, I will link to useful resources on my website.

Guess what? When a reader like you wants to read more, he or she can click to visit that page on my blog and read.

It can also help me to generate leads.

Similarly, you can contact the editor of different publications to publish your blog with the links.

Almost all big giant publications, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, or DDI, allow you to include hyperlinks.

I read a great post about this in WordStream that you should read to explore more about referral traffic to boost and increase website traffic.

#2. Target Low Competition Keywords

As an SEO consultant, I want to grow my new website to generate leads to sell my services.

What would I do?

It’s obvious, as often told… I would research the industry to see what people seek in SEO or About SEO.

We have different tools, such as Semrush, Ahref, and Mangools… While most of these tools are expensive and paid, Mangools is the best yet very affordable SEO Tool for beginners.

For this, for Example… I’m using my paid Semrush tool.

Low Competition Keywords Research Using SEO Tools.
Low Competition Keywords Research Using SEO Tools.

Now, when I do the keyword research for my SEO business, you see I have set the KD to 0 to 15%, which means it is straightforward, and I found some great keywords even if they have low search volume on Google.

I can easily rank for these articles on Google, and when someone searches for “B2B SEO tools,” my website will appear on the search results page (SERPS).

That’s how I can write great content to drive organic traffic to my website without fighting for highly competitive and high-volume user searches (Kwyrods), which everyone else is writing about.

Now, I believe it makes sense.

Likewise, for your website.. in your niche, you can target the low competition and low volume keywords.

I always wonder how childish my thoughts were when I started my journey as an SEO Analyst or content creator.

When we think of low search volume (150 to 500) articles, it’s worthless to our time to write; it’s a myth; imagine how much traffic you will build if you just published 50 articles and ranked from 1 to 5th on Google.

Roughly 5000 to 15000 traffic every month.

It’s enough to make you $2000 to $20000 monthly from your website selling services, showing, and in many different ways.

As always, small things daily make a big difference; likewise, a small effort on low-competition keywords daily can make your website big.

#3. Study Your SEO Competitors

In the last six years, I have realized the power of learning from experts and replying to the proper methods.

If you believe in cutting short on that guesswork and driving the SEO success of two years in just a few months, you must have the best strategy.

Spying on the competitor’s SEO practices, keywords, and strategies can quickly give you an edge to success.

You can check the competitor’s SEO for:

  • Check their ranking keywords.
  • Their backlink profile to find backlink opportunities.
  • Domain authority.
  • Type of content.
  • Social media and posts.

There are so many things that you can check off your competitors to make the best SEO strategies for your website, and it’s not complicated.

Yes, I mean, you can use SEO tools.

  • Semrush
  • Ahref
  • Mangools

These are among the best SEO tools.

Keyword Gap Analysi
Keyword Gap Analysis. Image created using Semrush.

From the above image, you can easily be sure that I have compared two websites in the same niche (competitors) to determine the keyword gap.

This means that one of the websites is not ranking for several keywords.

And it gives us clarity about the following:

  • The website might not have the content to rank on these keywords.
  • Maybe the content quality is not good.
  • DA and PA are low, and better SEO is required.

Likewise, there are many ways to see if your website has an opportunity by analyzing the competitor’s website using SEO tools.

Spy competitor’s Low Difficulty Keyword
Spy competitor’s Low Difficulty Keyword. Image created using Semrush.

You can even use SEO tools to check the website traffic (Approximate), all ranking keywords, and their difficulty level, and select some good keywords for your website to write about.

How do you spy low-competition keywords?

In SemRush, it’s easy.

Follow the steps:
Go » Organic Research » Enter the competitor's website 
» Apply filter range for KD (0 to 30) and find your desired low competiton
Example of competitor’s keyword research.

I’ve tried to give you a clear understanding of how learning to form your competitor’s data can help you get FREE organic traffic on your website.

I’m here if you need personalized help.

Please comment below.

#4. Build Topical Authority

Honey is produced when 1000s of honey bees work daily on the same honeycomb and make honey.

Imagine there is just one honey bee.

Even in a year, it can’t process enough honey for your bread.

Likewise, one article on any topic is like a single honey bee.

It does not deliver significant value to readers or derive good traffic to your website’s ranking on Google, especially when it is new.

What to do when you have a new website?

Let’s say you want to rank articles about Bicycles. Writing just one article targeting “Bicycles” is probably insufficient to compete in this niche.

To build topical authority, you need to cover everything related to protein, such as:

  • “Best Bi-cycles under $300.”
  • “10 Best Bi-cycles for Teenagers”
  • “Top selling Bi-cycles for teenagers”
  • “Top selling Bi-cycles in XYZ Area”
  • “How bi-cycles are good for exercise.”
  • “How bi-cycles help elderly people stay fit.”

Topical authority is achieved when a site fully covers a topic rather than focusing on individual keywords.

For example, check out the SERPs for the keyword “mountain bike gifts”:

Topical Authority Example. Image Source: Ahref.

At first glance, one might expect a significant e-commerce giant like Amazon, boasting a high Domain Rating (DR) of 96, to dominate the search results for product-focused keywords.

However, it’s intriguing that a site with a much lower Domain Rating of 23 has managed to secure the second position, outperforming even Amazon.

That’s how, even with low domain authority, you can rank well on Google and drive good traffic to your new website by creating topical authority.

#5. A silo Structure

Imagine you have a website, and you are writing like crazy, but your website is not well structured; you may get some traffic, but there will be a high bounce rate or less clarity of content you write about.

What is silo Structure?

A silo structure is an SEO-friendly and intelligent way to structure pages (logical hierarch) and posts on your website based on categories, topics, and different types to better internal linking, easy-to-find similar contents within the website, improve UX and keep user longer on your website.

Let’s Learn with an Example:

We all know and must have read some articles on the HubSpot blog. They write about Digital Marketing, SEO, and a variety of topics.

HubSpot blog Traffic analysis
HubSpot blog Traffic analysis. Image Created By Mani Pathak, Author (Using Semrush).

For several highly competitive keywords, it ranks at posting 1 to 5 on Google search results page and gets massive traffic.

Top-ranking article for high KD keywords.
Top-ranking article for high KD keywords. Image Created By Mani Pathak, Author (Using Semrush).

To ease their users and make it easy to find different articles/posts in one category or topic, they have followed the innovative silo structure on their website.

Silo Structure example. Image Source: Hubspot. (Screenshot By Author)

As you see in the image above, they have categorized articles in categories such as:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Services
  • Website
  • Next in AI

It makes it easy to find articles that look like them and go in-depth about any topic, and that’s why this silo structure.

Believe it or not, this will decrease your website’s bounce rate and help visitors stay on it for a long time.

That’s the reason if you have topical authority on your new blog as well as a better silo structure; you can very likely improve the SEO performance on your website and get a good number of organic traffic.

#6 Create Branded Keywords

Having a new website is a challenge compared to having an established website. Almost every effort to rank for even low-competition keywords fails, and that’s because either we lack topical authority or many articles already exist for those keywords.

Brian Dean is an SEO genius and founder of Backlink. He coined the “Branded Kewyords” SEO technique on his website to drive huge traffic. ‘

His website ranks well for all of these keywords (below), and he invented and produced the very first content for these keywords.

  • Guestographics.
  • The Skyscraper Technique.
  • The Content Upgrade.
  • These are all terms that I coined.
Branded Keywords Example. Image Source Google.

That’s why I highly recommend creating your terms.


First, develop a strategy, technique, process, or concept that’s unique to you.

Let’s think that profound strategies that work for your website or the nature of business have never been discussed; give it an easy-to-remember name.

  • The keyword you invest in should be easy to read and remember.
  • It shall fit your strategy, brand practice, or ideology.
  • Short and unique.

For example, when he started posting with infographics, I combined “guest posting” and “infographics” into one term: Guestographics.

His invented keywords are widely accepted and have been used to create content for many top publications.

That’s how you can brainstorm to unlock your website’s SEO keywords, which are yet to be accepted and mined for traffic.

#7. Email Marekting (Newsletter)

It may sound hilarious.

I know you think I have a new website or no email subscribers. How can I send a newsletter or doma email marketing?

“Well, it is often said where there is will, there is a way.”

Yes, hear me out. Email marketing is possible even if you do not have followers or email subscribers.

I will share three popular and easy ways to promote your new website and increase website traffic through email marketing.

  1. Google Maps (GMB Listing):

Use Google Maps to find different businesses and their websites in your niche. Copy the email given on each website for support and information and make a list.

Now, use tools like ConvertKit to send bulk email.

2. Link building tool:

Semrush comes with a built-in outreach tool. I was just surprised when I learned about how helpful it can be for your website to build traffic and leads.

All you need to do is add your website URL and your competitor’s website.

To build links (send outreach emails), it will check their referring websites and reach the domain owners and managers with relevant posts and articles.

This way, you also get quality traffic and backlinks.

Link building tool
Link building tool. Images Source: Semrush.

Their interface is clean and easy to navigate through all their tools.

Pricing: $99 to ~$500 per month.

3. Collaboration:

When your website has no traffic or leads, it’s better to collaborate to get your website promoted for FREE.

There are many websites which let you publish relevant content on their websites.

Write for us
Write for us — image By Author (Google Screenshot).

A simple Google search for “Writ for us,” as shown above, will provide you with many websites in the search results that are ready to accept your articles, provided you follow their guidelines.

For example, we choose “Cloudways” because they offer many great benefits, including a free newsletter with your links.

Image Source: Cloudways.

Writing for these websites, which have many email subscribers, social media followers, and domain authority, helps increase your website traffic for free.

  • Posts are shared with your links to email subscribers.
  • Share on social media for free.

This is how, even with zero email subscribers, you can reach many people and increase website traffic for free.


The above methods increase website traffic for your new or grown-up site.

In this article, I have talked about several great and highly valuable such as Silo structure, competitors analysis methods, topical authority, email marketing, and much more to help fellow creators and emerging businesses.

Having a website is like having a business that has the potential to make you plenty of money, name, and fame.

But a website without any visitors (traffic) or leads and which can’t do any money business for you is like a seemingly nice building from the outside that can’t accommodate any person inside.

To make it easy to access the section… I have added the table of contents for this blog post below.

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Mani Pathak

7X Top Writer, SEO Expert, We Designer | Writing to help you grow businesses and make money online. → | 📩