7 Ways to Show Gratitude This Holiday Season

And 4 Reasons You Should

Stephen Fischer
4 min readDec 23, 2021


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Another year has gone by in this rapidly changing world. 2020 was tough for many, and 2021 had plenty of hardships as well. The ever-growing calamities of climate change, a Capitol riot in the US, deepening political polarization, and of course, COVID’s persistent presence.

Tough times for sure.

Still, there’s always something to be grateful for when you take a closer look at things. Maybe it’s for good fortune, health, technology, opportunity, having a job/business, or just having other people in your life.

Sound cliche? Sure, yet there’s some truth to it. There’s also some benefit in expressing gratitude.

  • Resilience: It can make you more resilient by finding the good in struggles and difficult circumstances.
  • Improved Relations: Relationships can improve when all people involved experience appreciation for themselves and their efforts.
  • Receiving: The law of reciprocity teaches us that giving first (which can be a form of gratitude) causes others to feel indebted to us and have a desire to give back to us in some way. When done from a stance of genuine appreciation, this can be a beneficial way of forming and strengthening bonds with others.
  • Happiness: Above all, giving feels good. It can make you a happier person, and remember — happiness is contagious ☺

Here are some ways to show appreciation to others and give some gratitude out to the world:

  1. Holiday Cards: Remember these? You’ve probably received some over the years from family or friends, but nowadays it’s easier to just shoot off a text to others. However, the thought of being placed in a group chat with 36 others just to receive a “Happy Holidays!” from someone may make you (and your phone) go bonkers. That’s what makes sending cards all the more appealing — it shows you’re taking time and effort beyond the easiest go-to approach. So have some fun with it! Print out some pictures, decorate the cards, draw something, or just write a genuine message.
  2. Volunteer: I’ve always been a big proponent of giving your time to help others when you can. Volunteering in your local community around the holidays (or any time of year) can be a wonderful way of saying thanks to those around you and to local organizations who could use assistance. Serving food via pantries and soup kitchens is an immediate example that comes to mind around holidays, although these can often fill up quick or sometimes require you to undergo some training sessions for safe handling. With COVID now a part of our world, this can also make opportunities trickier to find, but they’re out there.

    → Suggestion: Look beyond food and into other ways to give back, like pitching in at holiday fairs/events, assisting your local religious/spiritual organization, helping with donation collections, writing holiday cards (see above) to military troops, senior citizens, cancer patients, or whoever your heart desires.
  3. Thoughtful Gifts: This sounds obvious, yet it’s not always easy. How are you supposed to get something for someone who says they don’t want anything? How can you look beyond the surface level answer and the first thing you find at Target that looks appealing to come up with something they’ll enjoy? Here’s where asking small questions throughout the year and stalking your family members’ social media can come in handy.

    Sometimes, people are more than happy just to spend time with you, so give them that in some form. A day out, a trip, or an experience together are great options. I had a Christmas where I bought nearly all gifts exclusively from Groupon. Best Christmas shopping I’ve ever done
  4. Wish others well/happy holidays (and meaning it): You never know what you say and how you say something can brighten up someone’s day. Put a little holiday spirit into your well wishes 🙂
  5. Tip Extra: It’s never been a secret that the service industry can be stressful, and it’s no current secret that these industries are facing shortages. Hard to blame people for wanting to leave or not return to these jobs. Beyond inconveniences to customers, the harder downside falls on remaining employees who have to keep places running with the same high demand if not more from the past. It can mean the world to someone to receive a little extra than they’re used to.

    Tipping goes beyond service industries too. Provided that someone is allowed to accept tips (not trying to get anyone in trouble here), consider tipping or giving a small gift to your local mailperson, package delivery driver, a teacher at your child’s school, etc. It can make their holiday too.
  6. Donate to your favorite charity/nonprofit: The end of the year is an important time for nonprofits and charities to solicit donations. Consider chipping in by giving some amount to a group whose efforts make you go “Wow!” Any donation, no matter how small, can make a difference collectively with other donors to help that group. Bonus for you: You can write off some donations for your taxes 🙌 (consult your accountant or the IRS website for details).
  7. Saying “Thank You”: It’s one of the easiest ways to show gratitude, and you can do it any time of the year.

Happy holidays, and thanks for reading!



Stephen Fischer

Engineer-turned writer who spends way too much time in the kitchen and wandering.