7 Worst Cryptocurrency Investment Mistakes to Avoid

Make real profit in cryptocurrency

Lokajit Tikayatray


Avoid making these worst cryptocurrency investment mistakes to make real profits.
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

There is a reason why every video or article on cryptocurrency investments asks you to do your own research before investing. But can you do the required research on your own? Do you have the requisite knowledge to understand the technology, terminology, ecosystem, etc., to predict the future of specific cryptocurrencies?

I am into technology for more than a decade and a half, thanks to my profession. I understand some of the terms and technical aspects behind cryptocurrency and blockchain. But that still is nothing to help predict or understand future growth.

Neither can the vast majority of the population who have found a penchant for the idea of ‘getting rich fast’ through crypto investment.

Based on my experience with investment and reading various Reddit and other online discussions, I can see a pattern. Due to a lack of understanding and a dream of becoming rich overnight, people make common mistakes while investing. Often it ends with heavy losses or complete loss of initial investment amount.

The most important way to not lose your money in cryptos is by being aware of the mistakes. Here are the seven worst mistakes you should avoid as a crypto coin investor, irrespective of whether you are…



Lokajit Tikayatray

Blogger, Techie, Leader with 19 years of industry experience. Inspiring people through Technology, Personal Development, & Leadership — lokajittikayatray.com